Benefits of finger painting!

Big hand movements such as the one used when painting are great for encouraging a child's motor skills.Pin this image on Pinterest

Big hand movements such as the one used when painting are great for encouraging a child’s motor skills.

We love painting in this house, in fact I have been known to post pictures on my instagram of the boys taking over my kitchen with wallpaper covering the floor and tubs of paint with various different types of brushes and painting tools (which are always neglected in favour of fingers and toes).

The reason we love painting so much here is it has so many benefits for your child’s development. Not only is it great for learning about colours but textures and patterns too. Painting allows your child to really express their own creativity and the wide arm movements in painting and drawing are wonderful for cognitive development (a bit like cleaning the car… something to save for summer!).

Taken when toby was around 7 1/2 months old. He had great fun and loved joining in. The paints I used were non toxic and children wash.Pin this image on Pinterest

Taken when toby was around 7 1/2 months old. He had great fun and loved joining in. The paints I used were non toxic and children wash.

If you don’t fancy doing big paint works in the house then painting is a wonderful thing to do in the garden in summer or on warmer autumn days. I usually roll out some old wallpaper (obviously plain side up) tape it down and then let the boys go mad. If we do it in Summer we get in the paddling pool to clean off, if we do it in winter we have sink baths!

Its such fun and the possibilities are endless! Do you do lots of painting in your house?

Harriet x

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