Yummy Edible Finger Paint

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This was so easy to do and both myself and the boys had such a good time (as you can tell by the splashes and the car in the top left hand corner of the photo!). I do think even though the paint is edible, so totally safe for baby to sit and eat while big brother/sister/you paint, it is extremely sticky and you would probably be well advised to get a shower or bath ready for cleaning up!

All you need to get started is:

  • A tin of condensed milk
  • Food colouring (you can get some really good organic ones now)
  • Edible glitter (optional)

It is very similar to making coloured icing, just mix the ingredients together and get messy! I usually get the boys sat outside in summer to do this kind of activity, but during these colder months at a counter top (in a learning tower perhaps?) for older kids or in an area where the floor (and possibly walls) are washable!

I’m sure if you are a healthy mama (or dentist) then you will be horrified, but hey, it was worth it!

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