I love the simplicity of the design with Shroompers – there is no set story line for your child to follow, the world is their oyster mushroom (sorry!)
Safe for all ages, these could be a gift for a toddler to explore imaginative play or for a new baby.
I love Waldorf toys, and I especially love felted handmade toys that you can see have had a lot of craftsmanship go into them.
Theses toys from Shroompers are gorgeous! They create a whole world of imaginative play for your children, with their neutral facial expressions and minimal style, children can really blossom while they play with these – is your character feeling happy or sad? Are they a magical mushroom prince or a dastardly villain? There is no set story line!
One of my favourite toy finds for such a long time, you can find them here.
Harriet x
P.s – these are especially appealing to me because they are soft and organic so baby could use them, as well as Toby & Reuben, without me having to worry about what she is putting in her mouth/getting on her hands. Perfect!