There comes a time, often after we’ve made our tenth order of a specific item in a short timeframe, when we seriously start to consider buying that item in bulk. In a range of scenarios, this can also apply to buying t-shirts.
Whether they’re being used for merch, or you need to stock up on a staff uniform, buying in bulk can often be the right thing to do. If you’re still not convinced, then read on for a few of the main benefits.
Cost savings
One of the main benefits of buying t-shirts in bulk from somewhere like Screen Textiles is that you’ll save a fair bit of money. A lot of t-shirt stores, especially those that deal in wholesale quantities, will be happy to give you a bigger discount per item you buy as you place bigger orders with them.
This makes sense from their side, as it takes less admin per item, less handling, and a simpler process of packing and shipping. All in all, a classic example of an economy of scale playing out.
Another benefit of buying t-shirts in bulk is the added convenience. If it’s for a staff uniform for example, and you have a high employee turnover rate, stocking up on the right t-shirts means that you can just grab one from the stock room, rather than having to place an order every time you make a new hire. This added convenience will end up saving you a fair bit of bother and time, becoming even more significant in the long run.
Climate impact
If you’re looking for ways to decrease your environmental impact, then buying in bulk can be a great, simple way of doing just that. When you buy in bulk, you reduce the number of shipments that need to be made, decreasing the amount of fuel that’s needed to move these items around as a result. There isn’t one, single way that we’ll reduce our impact on the climate; ultimately, it will be through the cumulative impact of multiple, little actions like these.
In the modern business environment, the unfortunate reality is that you never know when one of your suppliers might go bust. This is especially applicable in the clothing industry, where the death of the high street and changing consumer patterns are proving particularly difficult.
By stocking up on t-shirts, you can make sure that you have a reliable, stable supply of items for months or years to come. Then, when you see that your stock is going down, you can make sure you’re able to source a new batch without the added pressure.
These benefits are important to consider, but of course, you’ll also need to make sure you have room to easily store the t-shirts you’re bulk ordering. If that’s not an issue, then we really can’t see any other significant downsides. As long as you’re sure you’ll want that t-shirt in the future, then buying in bulk really is the way to go.