On Friday 27th March I’m asking everyone to join in and wear yellow for Seth, share their picture on social media with the hashtag #wearyellowforseth. Please.
This is something that I really wanted to share with all of my readers and that I would ask you to share with every single person you know, big or small. It’s something that we really need to do.
This hashtag (which is something that, for those of you that don’t know, is used on the twitter and other social media sites to link up a conversation or topic around the world, so we can all see it) #wearyellowforseth has come about because of a courageous little boy called Seth who is 5 years old and suffers with Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID). He is currently in hospital (again) waiting for a second bone marrow transplant and he and his parents have asked that on 27th March 2015 the world comes together to show their support for Seth by wearing his favourite colour yellow, taking a picture of yourself and posting it on instagram, Facebook or twitter with the hashtag #wearyellowforseth.
In Seth’s room his parents have put up a map, and on that map will be the pictures that thousands of people share so Seth can see (on the days he is struggling) that people around the world are thinking of him and sending their support and well wishes. It doesn’t have to be a yellow top, Seth’s mum has asked that we all be inventive – make Seth smile.
My reason for wanting so desperately to get behind this hashtag and why it struck such a cord with me is totally ridiculous and inane – my son’s favourite colour is yellow, just like Seth’s. That reminded me that ANYONE could, at any time, have a child affected by an illness and if we have the ability to show a child that the world is filled with people who really care then we should. Every damn time. So please, please, wear yellow on friday – be it yellow boxers, yellow t-shirts, all yellow, yellow face paint – whatever – do it, take a picture of yourself and post it to social media using the hashtag #wearyellowforseth.
Seth was born with Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCIDs). His favourite colour is yellow and he is 5 years old.
You can visit Seth’s blog here and follow his progress. You can find out about the most important thing here – Seth himself. Finally, if you want to learn about #wearyellowforseth you can find out all about it and join in by visiting the Facebook page here.
Harriet x
P.s – Seth’s story wouldn’t be heard if it wasn’t for the wonderful Bubble Foundation UK. This charity raises funds for medical equipment, toys and educational aids, welfare of the babies, children and their families whose are afflicted by SCIDs, and most importantly to fund research required to help medical practitioners make it possible for children like Seth to survive today.
They need support so that more babies and children can recover and go home to live normal lives. You can visit their site here.