Things to do after IVF

If you’ve gone down the pathway of IVF in order to have a child, then you know that the care you take in IVF post op is going to increase your chance of a successful pregnancy to a huge extent.

Managing a pregnancy with IVF is so much more important than a normal pregnancy because if pregnancy with IVF doesn’t work out, the likelihood of you being able to conceive another child is not as high as a regular couple can. You may be looking into embryo donation after IVF if you have leftover embryos and you don’t want to have another child, but this is something that can be considered much later on. You need to focus on the immediate things to do after you’ve had the transfer. 

By following certain precautions after a session of IVF, you should be able to improve your likelihood of keeping the pregnancy:

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  1. Get your thyroid function test results. Thyroid problems can directly affect your ability to get pregnant and remain pregnant. If you have a thyroid issue, knowing if those were test results before embryo transfer will help you to take the necessary steps to balance your medications after transfer. A thyroid function test can tell you a lot about your health and making sure that you stay on top of that will help you in your IVF journey.
  2. Take any prescribed medications. Whatever your doctor has prescribed you for during your IVF journey. Do not cut or increase any of the medications yourself. Sometimes you may feel bloated due to taking medications that contain progesterone, but if this feeling is unbearable for you, then get some help from your doctor. Don’t make lateral decisions yourself about medications without seeking advice.
  3. Reduce your stress as much as possible. You want your body to be an optimum place for a baby to reside and that means that you need to have as many positives on your body as possible. Stress can have a negative effect on the success or the failure of IVF treatment. Doing yoga and meditation to reduce your stress can really help.
  4. Eat well. You have to treat your body as if it’s already pregnant, despite the fact you don’t yet have a positive test result. Eating fruits and vegetables and foods that are rich in the right vitamins, proteins and calciums can minimize your digestive discomfort by ensuring that you are. Eating food that is packed with folic acid can also help because you’re going to improve your environment for a baby to reside.
  5. Keep moving. You don’t have to sit still and not make any sudden movements. Your body is the right environment for a child, so keep driving, cooking and going shopping just as you did before. After you’ve had IVF, you need to give yourself some time before you lift anything heavy and you need to move gently. A walk, yoga, that kind of thing can help.
  6. Stay hydrated. Fluid can really improve the function of the endometrial layer and increase your chance of pregnancy through IVF. Staying hydrated is important for your overall health and well-being and also for creating that environment for a baby to grow.
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