The perfect summer quiche recipe

The perfect summer quiche recipe via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

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Quiche is one of those things that I really identify with summer. It’s light, delicious and perfect for picnics. The other things it’s perfect for is getting kids to help baking and learning new skills, something that both boys life to do.

Here is my favourite quiche recipe at the moment:

  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 1/2 green pepper
  • 6 rashers unsmoked bacon
  • 1 packet of Just Roll shortcrust pastry
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 2tbsp milk
  • Salt & pepper to taste

Pre-heat your oven to Gm 6 and roll out your pastry, lining your quiche tin with it, then set aside in the fridge while you do the next bits.

Slice the peppers into strips (the boys did this for me with their kiddicutter knives) and pop onto a baking tray to roast in the oven with a little oil for 10 minutes. Put your bacon under the grill and cook until it is as crispy as you would usually have it – I say about 8 minutes on each side for my bacon.

Once the bacon has gone under the grill, take your pastry case out of the fridge and put a piece of baking paper into the centre then fill with baking beans, or dry rice if you don’t have the beans, and put into the oven for 15 minutes.

Once the pepper and bacon are cooked, place them in a bowl and allow to cool for a few minutes. Whisk your eggs, milk and seasoning together and add to the bacon and peppers. Finally add most of your cheese to that mixture, reserving a little to sprinkle on the top of the quiche.

Two ether case out of the oven, remove the paper and weight and add the egg mix. Once the egg mix is in, sprinkle over the last of the cheese, pop it back into the oven, reducing your heat to GM 4 and cook for 20-25 minutes.

Delicious quiche! And don’t forget you can let the kids join in on every aspect of making a quiche, it’s one of the few recipes that by Reuben’s age they can more or less go solo with just a bit of help from you around the hot stuff.

Harriet x

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