The perfect easy summer recipes? Try this flan!

The perfect easy summer recipes? Try this flan!Pin this image on Pinterest

I am all about easy during summer when it comes to dinner – the kids are almost constantly howling for a picnic in the garden and it can get a bit tedious to have the same old sausage rolls or BBQ food all the time. I have a few things up my sleeve but they generally involve marinading and faffing about for a certain amount of time to get things right, though I will say they are worth it once they are done like this pagnotta ripena … it’s just not what you want every night is it?

This flan, however, is so easy it is done in 20 minutes with around 3 minutes prep time. Give it a go – and just to let you know, you really don’t have to use the same ingredients as me – mix it up and add in your favourite cheese, veg, meat etc.

How to make this badass, super quick and tasty flan:

  • 1 packet of ready to use puff pastry (any brand will do – I use Aldi’s own)
  • 1/2 packet of cream cheese
  • 1 -2 red onions
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 100g finely sliced ham

Pre heat the oven to GM7

Right, lay out the ready to use pastry – if you buy the roll if is approximately the right pre-rolled size for the flan, but if you go for the block roll out to be the full size of a large baking tray and 1cm thick.

Slice the onions finely and bung them in a frying pan with 1 tablespoon of oil and the teaspoon of sugar, and fry for around 2 minutes.

Whilst that is frying, scour the pastry leaving about 3cm around the sides so you have another rectangle shape within a border. Scour across the inside, this will stop the pastry from rising and puffing up then spread the cream cheese across, being careful not to go over the edges. Once the onions are cooked sprinkle them over the cheese. Take the ham and slice into thin strips (ribbons) then sprinkle over the top too.

Bung in the oven, pour a glass of whatever you fancy and return in 20 minutes when the whole thing should have puffed up nicely around the edges.

Serve hot, cold, warm – just serve. The is one of those easy going summer recipes that I like best with salad (which makes my husband want to cry as he views salad as rabbit food) but you could have it with wedges or french fries.

H x

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  1. Avatar May 13, 2016 / 5:23 pm

    This sounds amazing! I made something similar to this but I am definitely going to have to try this one.

  2. Avatar May 12, 2016 / 7:18 pm

    Oooh yum this looks delicious – and easy is always good, especially when it’s lovely and sunny and you could be sitting outside in the garden! I used to do something similar with pesto, mushrooms and mozzarella, and had forgotten how easy they were. Definitely need to try this (and salad all the way alongside)

    • Harriet May 13, 2016 / 8:40 am

      Mmm I love pesto! It is especially good with mozzarella!

  3. Avatar May 11, 2016 / 7:54 am

    Tell your husband that salad is not rabbit food and is delicious lol. This flan is a sure fire winner as well I would like it with Quorn Ham.

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:39 pm

      Haha I have done – many times! He doesn’t mind it sometimes! H x

  4. Avatar May 11, 2016 / 6:42 am

    Mmm this sounds fantastic! It would be great too, cold, I think, for a picnic. 🙂

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:39 pm

      Thank you, lovely! H x

  5. Avatar May 10, 2016 / 10:13 pm

    Lovely recipe, I’m definitely gonna share this with my family and children since they love oven pastries. Keep us the yummy work!

  6. Avatar May 10, 2016 / 9:08 pm

    This looks so delicious! I would happily have this with a nice glass of white wine when the sun is out.

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:46 pm

      Oooh yes, you just made it so much better!

  7. Avatar May 10, 2016 / 7:51 pm

    This tart looks delicious ,it would taste great hot or cold.

  8. Avatar May 10, 2016 / 1:04 pm

    This looks so easy to make and delicious too. Can’t wait to make it. YUMMY!

  9. Avatar May 10, 2016 / 11:14 am

    yum this sounds like something my family would love. Quick and easy. Thanks for sharing x

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:51 pm

      Thank you, it was delicious! H x

  10. Avatar May 10, 2016 / 9:42 am

    I’d def try to make this. It’s a fool proof recipe that im sure i cant mess up!

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:52 pm

      Give it a go it was super yummy! H x

  11. Avatar May 10, 2016 / 1:35 am

    Those flavors do sound really good. I think this would be a fun recipe to try out! It seems easy enough.

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:56 pm

      It was super easy and so good!

  12. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 11:04 pm

    I love how simple this recipe looks – anything that is easy to cook deserves a try in my books. I have bookmarked this and will give it a try soon. I am sure it will be a hit with my son too. Thanks for sharing

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:58 pm

      It was super easy and so worth it!

  13. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 10:23 pm

    It sounds like an easy and tasty recipe that even my children would love.

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 7:58 pm

      It is – give it a go!

  14. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 8:49 pm

    Oh this looks so good and simple to make. I will definitely try this out – my children would love it. Kaz x

  15. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 8:32 pm

    I love using onions in cooking so I’m totally sold on this idea. Your right, as much as I love a bbq its nice to have other recipe ideas up your sleeve. I tend to steers towards quiche or new potato type things,

  16. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 7:32 pm

    Oh my gosh this looks so yummy!!! This would be perfect to take along to a gathering or for a side for a BBQ. Will be saving to make at some point this summer.

    Azaria- Being Mrs Lynch

  17. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 3:01 pm

    This sounds lovely, and nice to have a change and something different. I love how versatile puff pastry is. I will be giving this a go x

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 8:04 pm

      Puff pastry is the best!

  18. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 3:00 pm

    Ohh this sounds so good – I can’t remember the last time I had a flan.

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 8:04 pm

      Ummm it is delicious!

  19. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 2:38 pm

    this looks so lovely! i’ve been looking for easy summer recipes, will pin this for later 😉

  20. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 2:25 pm

    Oh my goodness, this is exactly my kind of food! I love it and how quick it is to make. Thanks fpr sharing

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 8:05 pm

      So pleased! try it out Mel!

  21. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 12:36 pm

    Oh my goodness, this looks LUSH!
    I’m super chuffed to realise that I have all of these ingredients in, so tonight, we’re having it 🙂 Thanks Mrs!
    Anna x

  22. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 11:54 am

    This looks right up my street. Firstly i did not realise aldi did their own pastry. How have I not seen it before?! I’m pretty sure my daughter would like this too so I’m going to have to try it. Anything that takes little time to prep is my idea of a dream recipe x

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 8:10 pm

      They do they do Kerry! Try it!

  23. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 11:48 am

    I love making flans like this as you can literally throw in whatever you have in your fridge to make them x

  24. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 10:29 am

    Ohh this looks so nice! My housemate made one very similar but with cheese, tomato and red chillis. It was delicious! Would be a lovely side dish at a bbq 🙂

    Corinne x

  25. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 10:11 am

    Oh my goodness this looks SO TASTY. I made something similar before with courgettes and pesto but will definitely try this next time I have guests over. Thanks for sharing xo

  26. Avatar
    Sarah Ella (Mumx3x)
    May 9, 2016 / 10:10 am

    My kids are the same! They’d happily have a picnic or BBQ food every night but me? Not so much! I’m also all about easy food during the warmer months and this flan looks perfect! I need to give this a go. It looks super easy! I’m going to pin this to my yummies board on pinterest 🙂 xx

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 8:13 pm

      Oooh thanks lovely! We love a good picnic!

  27. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 9:50 am

    This looks great and perfect for summer evenings! I actually have some puff pastry I need to use and was looking at recipes on Pinterest the other day so think I may do this instead minus the ham. xx

    • Harriet May 11, 2016 / 8:14 pm

      Thanks Kerry! Give it a go!

  28. Avatar May 9, 2016 / 9:09 am

    This looks so good, tasty and wholesome! Would do great with a salad for a light dinner x

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