I love this picture of Edith with her mailed mouse. She looks so fed up and grumpy – just like a teething baby always does!
I love that these bodysuits not only keep Edie dry when she is dribbling like a rabid animal, but they also come in a handy two pack.
Edith has been teething for a time now, or at least I suspect she has. She has been getting more and more dribbly since she was around 8 weeks old, and with it she has become progressively grumpy. I can’t say I blame her, we all know that tooth ache is just horrible. Having dealt with teething for a number of years I feel like I am just about getting the hand of how to cope with it, and more importantly, how to make it better for baby.
One thing that comes hand in hand with teething is bibs to catch all of that dribble (urgh!). Some bibs are better than others and keep baby dry, but even the good ones can sometimes spoil your little ones outfit – especially if it’s to a special occasion.
The front of the bodysuits is lined with a non-PVC plastic which is then lined on the inside with a super soft towelling. This keeps baby totally dry, and stops that dribble rash and soreness that can sometimes occur.
I’ve been trying out (or should that be Edith has been trying out?) the brilliant dribble stop tops and we love them! Such a good idea – we never have to worry about forgetting a bib, or walking around with a stained, mismatched bib… And I don’t have to worry about Edie’s flower girl dress being spoiled in July by a bib that we have to keep removing for photos.
The front of the bodysuits is lined with a non-PVC plastic which is then lined on the inside with a super soft towelling. This keeps baby totally dry, and stops that dribble rash and soreness that can sometimes occur.
Thanks to Dribble Stop Edith can now stay stylish and I don’t have to panic if I forget a bib.
Harriet x
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