The importance of date night

This was taken during our holiday to Turkey last year, we had every evening when the kids were in bed just to catch up and relax in each others company... I loved it!Pin this image on Pinterest

This was taken during our holiday to Turkey last year, we had every evening when the kids were in bed just to catch up and relax in each others company… I loved it!

Do you remember that initial period when you first met your partner? How exciting it was? It’s an easy one to forget in the hum-drum of everyday life isn’t it? Especially once you have a family to take care of, a mortgage to pay, work… the list is just endless, and your priorities shift… before you know it you are sat across the room from a stranger, and you have completely forgotten what was so exciting about them in the first place!

So how do your remember not to forget those exciting first few months and why you fell in love with this person you are sharing your life with? Time together. I know, time – that one precious commodity that none of us seem to have in the modern world anymore – how cliche, but it is so so true. So this is why I think it is key to a successful partnership to have a date night.

My husband and I have had our fare share of ups and downs in our relationship, especially as he frequently works unsocial hours and I work through the day, but when we do drift apart from each other, we know its time to start spending more time on our relationship and being together. Once a week we try to have a date night, the aim is to do it once a week, and this can be anything from getting out of the house for a few hours and going for a meal or drinks, to spending the night together having a take out or eating something I’ve cooked (I love cooking!) after the kids have gone off to bed while watching a movie. It doesn’t have to cost anything, but it gives us a chance to just talk and catch up with each other… When Adam’s schedule for work hasn’t allowed for date nights we have had date lunches or taken the time to steal a bit of time away on days off.

It takes hard work and balance to make a relationship work, but I firmly believe in date nights.

What do you do to keep the spark going in your relationship? I’d love to know!

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