The Dos And Don’ts Of Supporting A Loved One After Rehab

The support from one’s family and friends after rehab plays a critical role in the recovery process. It is the time when your loved one is getting accustomed to life changes and putting what they have learned into practice. Support, love, and encouragement during this time are vital to prevent relapse and ensure your dear one is able to settle into their normal life. Here are the key dos and don’ts to take care of.

Dos to follow:

  1. Encourage new interests 

While you were occupied finding a rehab centre for your loved ones, they were very likely leading a life centred around using the substance. Since rehab helps people get control of their lives back by embracing sobriety, they will have more time on their hands and willingness to try new things. 

This is the ideal time to introduce them to hobbies ranging from swimming, cooking, reading, story writing, painting, sewing, cycling, or even running. By doing so, you will be allowing them to stay disciplined and away from any lingering cravings. It is important to stay positive and encourage them as they try to adapt to the new life. 

  1. Learn more about their recovery

The journey through rehab and recovery is exclusive for everyone and is never easy. As a result, it is vital to understand how things unfold for your dear one. 

Learning about how recovery works, factors that can trigger the addiction or an emotional meltdown, and keeping an eye out for their behaviour patterns will help in creating an atmosphere where recovery and restoring to normalcy becomes easy and seamless. 

Educating yourself will also equip you with the ability to hold meaningful conversations with them, uplifting their spirits and encouraging them to stay on the right path. 

  1. Show optimism 

Showing your loved ones that you believe in them and are there during recovery will motivate them to keep going. There could be weak moments when resorting back to old ways, which may seem the best thing to do, and your belief in them, positive words, and encouragement can change the course of their actions. 

Being available or showing interest in how they spend their time feeling after the rehab and plans is another way to make them realise their importance and help them finish the recovery journey. 

Don’ts to strictly avoid:

  1. Enabling behavior 

Even after spending ample time in rehab and working on improving oneself, there’s always a risk of going back to the old ways. Enabling behaviour can trigger a relapse, undoing all the progress they have made during the recovery process. 

These behaviours can seem like paying rent for the person because they ran out of money due to occasional social drinking occurrences. While it may seem like nothing to you, for them, it creates a notion that your finances are available to cover their basic needs in case they end up spending their money on indulging. 

  1. Using old memories as a ‘correctional’ measure 

Once your dear ones are back, they want to start a new life by letting go of everything they previously engaged in. Reminding them repeatedly about past incidents will make them feel they need to be more adequate and adequate. 

It will also make them believe that all their progress so far doesn’t matter. Avoid implementing anything that encourages them or makes them feel ashamed. 

  1. Not including them 

Whether it is a family gathering or a get-together with common friends, keeping your dear ones away signals that you are not proud of them, are ashamed of their actions, and are not ready to include them back in your daily lives.

Instead, reassure them how appreciative you are, tag them along with you, and do not hesitate to introduce them to your network. 


Support and love can speed up the process of recovery significantly. It builds confidence and helps a person realise their true worth. Introducing meaningful and engaging activities will enable them to take control of their lives. At the same time, you must not blame or overburden yourself with being present for them at all times. Sacrificing your time and space can put a strain on your relationships. Aim to strike a balance and seek professional intervention wherever appropriate. 

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