The benefits of having pets for your kids!

The benefits of having pets with young kids via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This is Reuben with the horse that lives in Grandma’s paddock – it’s so important for him to realise that this is a living creature that deserves respect and has similar needs to his own.

In our family we are big animal lovers, there have always been animals in our family ever since I can remember. We’ve had cats, dogs, rabbits, fish and small rodents like hamsters. Not only have I grown up around domestic animals but, because the area we live in is so rural, I’ve also been surrounded by farm animals since before I can remember.

Pets and animals are one of the first things we show to our children, whether we are using cards, or in stories. We have such a connection to animals in this family, it’s something that I feel quite strongly about. There are so many studies relating to the benefits of having animals around children, not only for their health (and the rest of the family too) but for helping children to develop important social skills and learn about life skills such as responsibility, kindness and human decency.

The benefits of having pets with young kids via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Pets don’t have to be what you had as a child either – reptiles make fab pets – though they do take quite a lot of parent led care!

The benefits of having pets with young kids via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Toby is a bit of a beasty with our cat Mushu. She encourages him terribly, even flicks her tail into his hands when he is stood near her and take him for a walk (he hold her tail gently and she walks him!) so funny to watch!

When I was really little, maybe 6 or 7, I had hamsters which I had to clean out and feed myself (obviously under the careful supervision of my mum) as I grew I fell in love with cats and eventually I decided to breed Ragdoll cats from about 14 onwards. This was something that I did together with my mum for about 8 years – it certainly wasn’t to be taken lightly either. It was my responsibility to make sure that kittens were healthy and fed (if mum couldn’t I often had to get up in the night to help) I had to make sure that they were groomed, loved and well cared for in every possible way. I also found that watching the miracle of birth and kittens growing gave me such an appreciation for life in general, something that I think is often lacking from a teenager – empathy I suppose!

The benefits of having pets with young kids via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Feeding the donkeys at a local cafe with Grandpa – one of the best things about living in a rural area is that there are plenty of animals around to help care for and learn from.

For my children, I want them to understand animals, and I want them to continue to have the interest that they already are developing (you can see from some of the pictures how the boys are with the animals). Toby is probably the most obsessed with animals – he adores Mushu our siamese cat, he simply can’t get enough of her – but he’s slowly learning the correct way to pet her and love her.

How do you feel about children and animals? Do you have pets, or do you not like the idea?

Harriet x

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar March 28, 2017 / 12:57 am

    I had loads of pets as a kid, a bit like your family. Fish, cats, dogs, goats, sheep, almost a zoo sometimes.

    I think it did me good, taught me some responsibility and taught me what I could or couldn’t own as an adult based on how much time I had.

    Really great article.

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