The Aftermath of a Car Accident: When Is It the Right Time to Notify your Insurer?

In the immediate aftermath of a car accident your number one priority is to get any medical help needed for you and anyone else involved in the incident who may need to be checked or receive treatment.

As soon as you are fit and ready to think about what to do in terms of making a claim it may be time to contact your insurer. However, it can often prove to be a sensible strategy to talk to a legal professional in order to run through the scenario and find out what you need to say and do to make sure you get the best outcome.

If you search personal injury lawyer Utah, for instance, you will be able to find someone suitable who can give you the right guidance and assistance required in such difficult circumstances.

It is important to not delay when it comes to contacting your insurer, but when exactly is the right time to contact your insurer?

All insurance companies have slightly different rules

It is always best to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your insurance policy. This will tell you if there is any specific stipulation about a deadline for notifying them about an accident.

In general terms, it is often advisable to make contact within the first three days of having an accident. This should prove to be a reasonable timeframe and it is likely that you meet the insurer’s deadline if you get in touch within the first 72 hours.

If you have been injured

Although this 72-hour timeframe might be acceptable when it comes to making a standard insurance claim for damage to your vehicle, it could prove to be a different matter if you have been injured.

Insurance companies may be stricter in those circumstances and stipulate that you get in touch as soon as you are able to do so.

Your appointed injury lawyer will also seek to verify the claims procedures and give you guidance on the claims process.

Filing a claim

Another aspect of the process that your lawyer can help you with is completing the paperwork correctly when filing a claim with your insurer.

Accurate and detailed information will make a substantial difference to how your claim is processed and will have a strong bearing on the final outcome.

When it comes to personal injuries sustained, it is vital that you don’t underplay the extent of your injuries. What may appear to be minor bruising, for instance, could potentially be something more serious that comes to light after further medical investigation.

The importance and relevance of taking to a lawyer

You should be aware that when you file a claim with your insurance company they may attempt to settle promptly and make you an initial offer to end the matter.

It is often the case that you may end up getting a better settlement further down the road, which is why it is such a smart move to talk to a lawyer in conjunction with notifying your insurer.

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