Today is going to be one of those days that is all about teething! Toby was up for the majority of the night and is sporting bright red cheeks this morning, poor little guy.
There really isn’t much that can be done to help teething, we use the conventional methods like paracetamol and ibuprofen, but I try not to use ibuprofen too much as his tummy is quite sensitive, and it gives him tummy ache. I also have used teething gels, teething powders, and all manner of holistic charms like clove powder (tiny tiny amount on the finger is fine for numbing the gum, although it is literally a weeny amount, once or twice a day… too much can be dangerous). We have also used the amazing Gumigem teething jewellery (which you can read about here) which has been so wonderful and I would highly recommend them.
The best ‘medical aid’ I have had by far has been Ashton & Parsons teething powders, which are a natural product that has been produced for over 100 years. The powders contain tincture of Matricaria which is extracted from German Chamomille flowers, and that is what provides the soothing effect. Unfortunately, the company that makes these brilliant little powders is unable to produce them at the moment, although (and you Ashton & Parsons mamas will be pleased to know) production should be back by the end of the year.
You can find out a bit more about Ashton & Parsons teething powders here.
So in light of today’s predicament I wanted to know, what do you use? What have been your teething experiences?
Harriet x