Super cool, space saving kid’s furniture from RaFa-Kids

Super cool, space saving kids's furniture from RaFa Kids via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I love the playful element of the beds, the fact that the boys could play and enjoy before sleep is great!

Super cool, space saving kids's furniture from RaFa Kids via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This kid’s furniture range also comes in a choice of colours to suit any room decor – plus it can grow with your child.

A few months ago I redecorated the boys bedroom, and though I am so happy with their room, I just wish I had known about this fabulous company at the time! I could have saved so much more playing space with this kid’s furniture brand!

RaFa-Kids is run by a husband-and-wife team, both of them architects with a dream to create luxury, stylish furniture for children’s rooms that doesn’t compromise anything – especially style, quality and functionality. Their furniture is designed to be more than just a place for that sleepy toddler or child to rest their heads at night, nope, it’s far too cool for just that, it is designed to combine play and rest in one – just look at the wheels on that toddler bed, so fun.

What a really like is that their furniture can be used together as a bunk bed and toddler bed, or separately. Combine the two and your have a perfect space saver for sharing my siblings (like my boys) or just go separate for super cool, statement furniture that compliments any room.

If that isn’t enough to love the brand for, they also make the most awesome hand printed blankets and double sided bedding for their beds, which is so lovely it will almost make dressing the bed fun on a morning…almost!

Harriet x

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar November 10, 2015 / 4:04 pm

    Hello, Believe me, being a mother I know how much patience it take to design a kid room with the best Modern Children’s Bedroom Furniture available. But, seriously you have indulge best arrangement ideas. For more foldway bed solution, search it over web, you will definately get more innovative and creative ideas with lots of free available space for your kids room. Good luck.

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