Super cool kitchenware from Lifefactory that your kids can’t break!

Lifefactory via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Food stooge cases with a stylish protective cover.

Lifefactory via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Wine glasses that look super cool and aren’t likely to smash!

Lifefactory via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Bottles for ever stage of your baby’s life.

I am very much in favour of having things in the house that look lovely, but are also practical for the kids… unfortunately that doesn’t include gaudy plastic cups with holographic pictures plastered all over.

I also like the idea of the boys using glass and the same kinds of cups that we use because they need to learn that if you drop a plate or glass it won’t just bounce, it breaks, which is why we walk with them.

Enter LifeFactory and their super cool kitchenware.

LifeFactory, a brand designed by a paediatric feeding specialist and a designer, is designed to be a brand that you can use from birth (their baby bottles) right through to adulthood. The products are all made from glass, but have a super stylish, brightly coloured silicone cover.

From glass food storage boxes for freezing those leftovers (or all the extras you cook during the last few weeks of pregnancy!) to glass bottles that convert to sippy cups as your child grows, these are super cool!

Check them out at LifeFactory!

Harriet x


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