Stylish waterproof bedding from Louis le Sec. Perfect for potty training & sickness.

Louis le Sec water proof bedding via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Super stylish and gender neutral, this is perfect for helping get your little one through night time potty training or even just to provide a cleaner environment!

We have recently started Reuben without a nappy or pull up on a night and so far so good, although we have had to odd night with accidents. Roo has been dry on a night for some time, or so I believe, but because he has been in pull ups I think he has been having a tinkle in bed in the morning instead of going to the toilet… which is a dreadful habit to get into – not that I’m suggesting he will be the same at 25, but still.


As with everything I do with the boys I do a little research before I plough ahead with my decision and while I was looking up ways to ease into a dry, nappy/pull up free night, I came across the wonderful Louis le Sec, a waterproof bedding brand that is not only awesomely stylish but perfectly practical too! The bedding is made from 100% cotton jersey and has a layer of polyurethane, which protects from large water molecules while still remaining breathable and cosy.

The fabric isn’t just great for protecting the mattress, duvet and child during potty training, but is also great for protecting against dust mites and making the bed a safer more hypoallergenic environment!

I love the styles that have been chosen as well for the bedding, so simple and gender neutral, ideal for complimenting most room settings.

You can find the full range from Louis le Sec here.

Harriet x


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