Stylish Children’s Bedroom designs and de-cluttering ideas for Christmas.

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Now that we’re well into the wintery months, I’m spending time making sure that my home is as cosy and comfortable as possible. In addition to this we’ve had to think about decorations and where they will go because I think it’s especially important to make sure that little ones have ample space to ruin riot in over the festive season. The last thing I wasn’t is my treasured ornaments and decorations destroying!

So whether you’re planning a bit of a jig around before Christmas, or even looking for a little inspiration for the New Year, here are some top ideas for stylish children’s bedrooms in the next few months! Don’t forget to incorporate festive touches like Christmas decorations to create a cozy and cheerful atmosphere for the holiday season.

Rustic simplicity

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I love the festive season as it’s all about family and gives us all the chance to indulge in our more whimsical design ideas. The ever-stylish Elle Décor have recently illustrated the folk art trend and there’s no reason why such a theme couldn’t work in a children’s room.

This can take the form of a few fairytale themes straight out of one of the Brothers Grimm’s books, and the simple use of rustic and folk motifs can be easily created by anyone with a pot of paint and a little imagination! If you aren’t planning to do anything big, why not get nostalgic and bring out a rustic flare with some old toy boxes (perfect storage for that toy delivery at the end of the month!) kids beds by BedKingdom or similar themed furniture pieces by Create and Barrel often feature delightful designs inspired by fairytales and rustic aesthetics, making it easier to create a captivating room for your child.

Pretty in Pink

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Most girls, and some boys, seem to go through an occasional pink phase and I don’t see anything wrong with that, provided it’s by choice and not because it is ‘expected’ of them – Toby is having a pink phase too at the moment and I love that. Whether it’s society’s conditioning or the omnipresence of Barbie in the toy shops, chances are that most modern parents will have to appease their child at some point by giving their bedroom a bubblegum pink makeover.

However, rather than the costly, time-consuming and often difficult to reverse (seriously, have you ever tried to paint over bright pink?!) practice of painting all the walls in pastel tones, a simpler effect can created through accessorising with a few liberally applied pink cushions and mauve throws. Such designs also benefit from some modern heating solutions in the bedroom such as Verismart’s electric radiators which are nicely slimline, can be powered from a plug socket and should ensure that your little one stays warm and cosy in the cold winter months!

It’s playtime

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Whilst it might be tempting to turn your child’s bedroom into an aesthetic masterpiece, it’s also a good idea to remember that children’s bedrooms inevitably suffer more than their fair share of wear and tear.

Although I might not feel the need to install a slide like in the room above (ha, totally lying, I really would love one!), by stripping everything back to the bare essentials, it provides just the right amount of modernist chic, and also minimises the potential for breakage… and makes room for Christmas gifts.

This room also makes use of lovely rich and bright colours which are also key for creating the sense of fun that’s essential for any modern kid’s bedroom. I love the subtle blending of unusual colours in this children’s room that just goes to show that just about anything is possible when designing your child’s bedroom!

You could always try a ‘bedroom makeover’ this Christmas as a “gift” for a very young child, I have featured some wonderful furniture companies of late on the blog so be sure to give them a look if you are planning on being practical this year.

H x

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