Stunning, designer teething necklaces from Bo & Bel that look good on you AND help baby.

Stunning, designer teething necklaces from Bo & Bel that look good on you AND help baby.Pin this image on Pinterest

Stunning, designer teething necklaces from Bo & Bel that look good on you AND help baby.Pin this image on Pinterest

I’ve mentioned quite a lot recently that I’ve been having problems with a certain young lady and her teeth. Edie is chewing everything (her favourite thing is my phone at the moment…) and you just can’t do anything about it, despite the industrial amount of calpol I have been shovelling into her. She’s also reached that delightful grabby stage. You know the one where the most commonly asked questions are “can I eat that food now it’s been on the floor?” Or “how can I get the diamond necklace fixed before my husband notices..” Grabby. Teething. Urgh. Don’t get me wrong, I love the explorative side of things, but wow, it can get frustrating.

Stunning, designer teething necklaces from Bo & Bel that look good on you AND help baby.Pin this image on Pinterest

Stunning, designer teething necklaces from Bo & Bel that look good on you AND help baby.Pin this image on Pinterest

I think the motto “if you can’t beat em, join em” is probably the most applicable when it comes to a teething baby. It’s much better to let her chew things and do my best to accommodate her with suitable things. My favourite glass bead designer bracelet is not on that list of suitable things. Nor is the gold chain she broke last month. But what is on that list, and what should be on your buy-me-buy-me list, are the simply glorious teething necklaces from Bo & Bel.

I was sent one over from them last week and I don’t think I’ve taken it off during the day once. It is so beautiful and I would more than happily where it out on a night out with the hubs. You would never know it was a teething necklace until you saw a perfectly calm mother letting her baby chomp away at it like a possessed, dribbling monster. You really can’t ask for more with these necklaces. Not only do you feel like a fashionista because they have been featured in Tatler (I don’t think I’ve ever owned something featured in there!) but your baby has something that they can pull at, chew and it’s really beneficial for them!

How does it work?

Stunning, designer teething necklaces from Bo & Bel that look good on you AND help baby.Pin this image on Pinterest

Each bead is made from 100% food grade silicone so is totally safe for your little nasher and each one is hand threaded on to a soft satin thread to make some beautiful necklaces that anyone would be happy to wear. As baby chews the bead they get the same effect they would from a normal teether but without having to hold it and mum keep having to pick it up because we all LOVE that game. On top of that, because you’re wearing it, they have the comfort of being in your arms or on you lap, whilst enjoying some entertainment in the fashion of investigating your new accessory.

I also use mine for breastfeeding. Now Edie is older she has started really pinching me during feeding, presumably because she likes the feel of my skin, but wow does it hurt!! She’s left little scratches all over my chest. With this, she can pinch, stroke and pull to her hearts content and I’m not sore or left looking like I dabbled in a fifty shades of grey love affair.

Stunning, designer teething necklaces from Bo & Bel that look good on you AND help baby.Pin this image on Pinterest

Bo & Bel also make bracelets for those of you that love your sets or don’t fancy a necklace, and Vicki kindly sent me one as a birthday gift to go along with my beautiful Lola necklace (along with a truly darling bib for Edith which is super soft and soooo cute!). This is perfect for all the above reasons, and I really like the fact that I can pop Edie on the floor with her bracelet and not have to worry about her playing with it, although the necklaces do have a safety clasp so baby can’t break them or hurt your neck.

If you have a teething baby then this is absolutely for you. Or if you have a breastfeeding baby. Wait, scrap that, let’s just add it to your baby essentials pregnancy guide ok?

H x

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