A bit of toy nostalgia for Star wars month

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My mum always used to tell me that everything goes full circle. From the style of jeans (hello flares, I see you – I’ve missed you) to My Little Pony being one of the biggest kid’s shows at the moment, just as it was when I was a kid. It disappeared for a few years but, like mum said, it’s gone full circle and come back with a boom.

Toby really loves My Little Pony, and it’s only now as a mother that I kick myself for selling off all my pony toys (there was around 250 of the bloody things) and Sylvanians just as my mum said I would. You see, there is something special as a parent about passing down the toys that you loved so much as a child to your own children – I don’t know if it’s reliving your childhood vicariously through the sprogs or if it’s just nostaligia in older years, but there sure is a special moment every time they talk about their new favourite toys that are in fact decades old.

I wasn’t wrong to sell our toys, at the time we were in a pretty precarious financial situation, wanting to get married but also struggling to make ends meet and I swore to myself that if it wasn’t essential, it could go. Everything from Baby Born to Polly Pocket (retro or what?). Admittedly they sold for a mint, we pretty much paid for our wedding with the money we made from selling old toys as they are all collectables now, which makes me feel both old and slightly proud to be considered “vintage”.

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Adam sold less, in fact he had already had a lot of it sold when he was younger, one thing in particular being Star Wars toys. Yup, I do believe he parted ways with possibly one of the MOST collectable toys in a garage sale at the age of 14 for pittance so he could afford new cricket gear! All the face palm. While Toby loves My Little Pony and Edith would have adored my Baby Born stuff (I had the crib, the bath AND the highchair… because I was spoilt rotten as an only child!), Reuben leans more towards Daddy’s tastes with his obsession for Transformers and Power Rangers. One thing that both him and Toby (and I suspect Edith but she is a touch young at the mo) will love is Star Wars. For Christmas Toby was gifted some awesome Star Wars toys by his Grandparents, and he LOVED them, but slowly and surely, Reuben has started to fall for the wonderful world of Star Wars too.

We LOVED the Star Wars stuff at Disneyworld and we even decided to make our own light sabers to bring home, so when I saw that Hallmark have gone all out for Star Wars month (this month, if you didn’t know) I couldn’t help but want the Star Wars Itty Bitty collection for the kids. Since it arrived, courtesy of Hallmark I will add, they have been the most played with thing in the house, small enough for Edith’s hands and for her to snuggle, but just detailed enough for Reuben and Toby to get into the Star Wars play.

If anything this has really brought on a fresh wave of nostalgia for Adam especially, who has been watching the Star Wars movies with Reuben on our Friday evening late nights with him, and it got me thinking, does everyone have toys they wished they kept for their kids, or perhaps things they wish they had kept hold of just for the sake of it?

H x

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  1. Avatar May 17, 2017 / 12:44 pm

    Omg they are soooo cute! My daughter hasn’t watched Star Wars yet. Not sure if she would like it – she’s such a girly girl!

  2. Avatar May 12, 2017 / 8:35 pm

    Ah yes, I remember getting rid of my Star Wars toys, MASK, Transformers… Making space fo rnew tihngs, or selling to buy video games on now defunct consoles!

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