Stacking dolls for encouraging concentration & focus – the perfect Christmas gift for excitable toddlers!

Stacking dolls, the perfect gift for encouraging concentration in young children via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

These are the stacking dolls that I bought for Reuben to play with, on display in his room.

As I’ve mentioned before Reuben is quite a loud and vibrant young man… he certainly never lacks for enthusiasm let’s put it that way. The problem is when he is doing his ‘work’ at preschool, he often becomes distracted and can act out – not unlike most 3 year olds. He certainly lacks focus when the topic isn’t something like Transformers, Thomas the tank engine or Paw Patrol!

Preschool have suggested that I sit with him on an evening before we do his number and letters (he has a small amount of ‘optional’ homework!!) and work with a nesting doll set to get him to place the smallest to largest into the right position. It’s something they feel he doesn’t do well at school and want to try and work on it to give him the chance to focus and calm before he starts furthering his reading and number skills.

I have always had a very old set of Russian dolls, though I felt if Roo was going to be using nesting dolls for a variety of things, then he should have his own. I never truly appreciated how much you could do with nesting dolls! They are great for preschoolers and babies, pretty much one of the ultimate teaching toys.

I have ordered this fantastic set from THE KID WHO, a wonderful site filled with all of the most eclectic things that would make the perfect Christmas gift.

Harriet x

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