Sonny Angel have been around for a time now, and I’ve never really fallen for them, until recently. I don’t know if it’s having Edith or what is it, but suddenly I seem to be drawn to dollies and figures in a way I never was before, which makes me smile as collectables aren’t really my thing. Since I’ve always had a predilection for pretty things (though I can usually reign myself in) I have fallen head over heels for this latest range of Sonny Angels collectable dolls.
This range (or collectable series if we are to be precise!) is called the Laudrée series. Laudrée is a renowned Parisian pâtisserie founded in 1862, and they have teamed up with Sonny Angel to create these adorable, cake styled characters. Each little Angel is wearing nothing but their birthday suit, a pair of angel wings and these super cute, good-enough-to-eat hats.
Each Angel wears nothing but their birthday suit, a pair of angel wings and these beautiful headpieces – inspired by the French Patisserie Laudrée.
If you are a collector of Sonny Angels then Toyella is definitely the place to go as they allow you to buy 12 for the price of 10 and guarantee all of the figures.
The way it works is this: there are 12 Sonny Angels in each series but each one is a secret purchase – so no matter where you buy it from you will never know which little character is coming to live with you. Even the shop won’t be sure which little Angel is inside because the angel pictured on the box you get is not necessarily the one that’s in there! The packaging shows pictures of all 12 in the series so children (and grown ups) know when that series is fully collected and can move on to the next one. I can’t think of any children that wouldn’t love collecting and swapping these little figures – don’t you remember swaps at school as a child? It was one of the most fun things to do (though I do recall one girl swapping me a tamagochi for my pretty hair pins. Needless to say our parents didn’t think that was such a great swap and we had to swap back!)
The best thing about ordering your Sonny Angels from Toyella is that if you are like me and you can’t bare to have one piece of the collection missing, you can order 12 Angels for the price of 10 AND you are guaranteed to get all 12 in the series. Perfect. You could always do what we do with Reuben and keep them aside, only to dish them out for treats or exceptional behaviour… but you would know that he was never going to be disappointed.
Harriet x
I’ve never seen these cuties before!! I could eat them too!