Move over yoghurt, Skyr is in town

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The Easter holidays kick off for us today and I have to be honest and say my fridge has been filled appropriately – you will NEVER know food get depleted so fast as it will when you have 3 small kids (possibly with teens – they tell me they are equally ravenous 24/7). From the moment the boys wake up (and even Miss E now) it’s all about food. Breakfast, snack, elevenses, lunch, pudding, snack, another snack, dinner, snack, supper, pre-bed I-can’t-sleep-I’m-so-hungry-I-might-disappear. Rinse and repeat.

There is nothing like it – every holiday the kids are on a misson to eat us out of house and home.

But what do you give them? There are only so many packets of crisps and other junk that they can consume before I get twitchy eyed and fruit really isn’t the answer EVERY time they ask for a snack, on top of that I try to use the holidays to switch up our breakfasts a bit. There has to be some balance – but what?

Enter my new fave snack and breakfast fodder: Skyr.

Not only is it the ultimate in tasty snack for the whole family with it’s delicious, wholesome ingredients, but it’s also a solid feature in Iceland as part of their breakfast table. The texture is delightfully creamy, made from Icelandic water, milk and has no pesticides. Does this sound like just another yoghurt to you? It isn’t!! I thought so too at first, but one of my absolute FAVOURITE things about Skyr is that is isn’t a yoghurt. In fact it’s made using traditional Icelandic methods and skimmed milk, a fat free product – and the kicker? A pot of Skyr uses three to four times more milk than a pot of yoghurt meaning you get a genuine punch of protein that is SO good for all the family.

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If that isn’t enough to convince you that this is a must have for your fridge for the holibobs (and indeed life) then think of the added kick of calcium your kids will be getting, without the sugar. I’m not suggesting that I’m anti fat or sugar, all in moderation, but we all know how easy it can be in to give in to the demands for sugar riddled mini yogurt pots aimed at kids, but the reality is that those small pots aren’t going to stave off hunger and they won’t offer anywhere near the same benefits as Skyr does. I’ve also become a bit of a Skyr lover because I’m struggling desperately not to snack dueing my working days and trust me when I say this beats the packet of Jaffa cakes I’ve been ramming down my gullet on a daily basis – while being really helpful for my mum who is struggling with her hips.

I think such high protein products as Skyr often lose out to their yoghurt counterparts because poor imitations have given the high protein product a really bad rep, but it is genuinely creamy, rich and FULL of flavour. It’s not sour and there is no hidden surprises in there – another reason it’s become popular with the Slimming World and Weight Watchers crews.

So how am I serving this new favourite?

Well, for myself I’m eating it with extra juicy cranberries and honey as a sweet treat. The kids are eating it (by the bucket load – especially strawberry) on it’s own and Adam is filling his boots with muesli and Skyr as an after dinner snack. As the weather heats up I will be using it to make iced skyr pops using our Zoku pop maker (I’ll probably need to add a little water or milk to thin it as it’s SO thick and creamy!) – it’s healthier for the kids than both yoghurt and sugary fruit juice, and they think they are getting a proper treat with their “ice cream”.

Looking to try Skyr? You can find it in Waitrose in vanilla, blueberry and strawberry flavours!

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  1. Avatar April 10, 2017 / 6:13 pm

    I like the sound of Skyr being creamy and smooth. That’s how I like my yogurt to be. I did see Skyr on the shelves of my local supermarket but I didn’t know it wasn’t a yogurt but a high protein product. I guess it’s good for people who like working out as well.

  2. Avatar April 10, 2017 / 2:15 am

    Oooh, this sounds interesting. I’m usually not a huge yogurt fan but this sounds pretty good.

  3. Avatar April 8, 2017 / 10:44 pm

    I need to find some of the Skyr and try it myself. Thanks for recommending 🙂

  4. Avatar April 8, 2017 / 6:04 am

    I love skyr yogart, such good quality do creamy rich and tasty too 🙂 x

  5. Avatar April 8, 2017 / 1:52 am

    Hmm…I hadn’t heard about Skyr, but it does sound like a product that I would both enjoy and would be really good for me. I try to keep my diet as healthy as possible and the benefits of the extra protein and calcium in this would be fab. I hope to try it soon.

  6. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 11:11 pm

    As a Slimming World girl myself this sounds really appealing! Definitely going to check it out next time we’re shopping.

  7. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 4:48 pm

    These sound lovely, I have never tried Skyr before, so I will have to look out for them

  8. Avatar
    danasia fantastic
    April 7, 2017 / 4:10 pm

    I’ve never heard of Skyr before but it sounds really delicious!

  9. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 1:13 pm

    oh I will have to keep an eye out for this and looks and sounds amazing so going to give it a try for myself

  10. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 12:17 pm

    We too consume yoghurt as if there is no tomorrow, I have not tried Skyr so will need to check this out. I like thick creamy yoghurts.

  11. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 12:11 pm

    Ooooo! You’ve really sold it too us 🙂 it sounds amazing…going to hunt for it now. I think my mummy would also market it to me as ‘ice cream’ just without the ice… 😉

  12. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 10:22 am

    i always walk past this as i always get FAGE greek yogurt. i’m definitely doing to have to grab a few of these next time

  13. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 10:10 am

    I’ve not tried Skyr before but it does sound tasty, especially paired with fruit x

  14. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 7:03 am

    You forgot to mention second breakfast. ?

    I’ve been wanting to try Skyr for a while so will have to pop into Waitrose over the weekend and buy some.

  15. Avatar April 7, 2017 / 7:03 am

    You forgot to mention second breakfast. ?

    I’ve been wanting to try Skyr for a while so will have to pop into Waitrose over the weekend and buy some.

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