September Faves

I really ought to start doing this as a bit of a monthly round up – fill a blog post with the things I’ve really loved throughout the month and what I’ve been using.

This month is such an eclectic mix of things – the best hot sauce ever, all the way to the what I’ve loved on TV. Buckle up, these are my September faves!

1. Wiga Wagaa Reaper Hot Sauce

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If you are the person that sprinkles some Sriracha over your food and calls it hot sauce, you can skip this section. Sriracha, whilst lovely, is for kids and a light tang. Wiga Wagaa Reaper sauce is for the real heat lovers, the ones who love a somewhat painful burn and the promise of a stomach ulcer later in life – which is me. I’m obsessed with their hottest sauce and I have been for over a year, but I’m especially delighted to welcome it back into my kitchen after running out during the build and not reordering because, where the fuck was I going to put it anyway. They do offer milder options too, perhaps you don’t fancy as much of a kick and that’s ok, but be warned, they are all packed with flavour that will see you ordering again and again. You can order it here, it’s not only amazeballs, but it’s also family run and made in the UK. WIN.

2. Brassic on SkyONE

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Now, I want to say first off that I have a working relationship with Sky and that my Sky TV package is a part of that relationship – but this post and this recommendation are in no way linked to Sky.

Now I’ve let you know (as if you’re really arsed anyway) I want to scream at you to watch Brassic. It was HILARIOUS. Honestly, it’s one of the best tv comedy dramas I’ve seen since in years – very similar to Shameless but different enough to keep you hooked. I laughed, I cried and I became invested. I have one complaint though, and it’s the same with a lot of the SkyOne dramas I love (looking at you Discovery of Witches) – it only has 6 episodes and I guarantee you will watch them over the course of 1-2 days. It’s so good.

3. Cher Print from Playing Dirty Studio via Etsy

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All of my office furniture has now arrived and is firmly in place, so it’s all about those decorative touches that make it my space – and as soon as I saw this Cher quote print (as featured by Taylor Swift for those of you that are too young to remember that Cher was the original coiner of the phase) I knew I had to have it. Rich men rule the world because the world works for them, upheld by a patriarchal society. When I’m having a bad day or I’m struggling, I want to remind myself to “be” a rich man – think like I have no boundaries, nothing holding me back and no fears, believe I can achieve anything and, well, I will.

4. Typo Mirror from ASOS

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I’ve ordered this Typo Circular mirror for our downstairs loo and, whilst Adam isn’t really thrilled with it, I couldn’t care less because I LOVEEEEE it. I really do. It says “You are intelligent, strong and have a nice butt” – a reminder I think we can all agree is important.

5. M&S Jeans

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Again, I need to let you know that I work with M&S and that a pair of the jeans I was given as part of a collaboration. The other two pairs I own? Bought them myself and I am here to tell you that I will be buying M&S jeans forever more. Are they a touch more expensive than some places? Yes. Are they worth it? YES. I didn’t grab myself a pair of the Carrie Jeans this time because I already have some skinny jeans, but I’m regretting it and I will go back. The relaxed jeans I did have are lush and my new cream wide leg jeans are a revolution in reckless fashion because of the colour, but nonetheless, they are fabulous, but they are also sold out so I have linked to their equally lush khaki counterparts.

So that’s it! Those are my absolute fave things throughout September, all very different but all bringing a smile to my life!

H 🙂

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