Scooters are the new bike.

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I remember when we first started doing bits together as a little family – you know, bike rides, long walks, climbing etc. I always worried that Toby was a little bit left out of that, he couldn’t ride a bike, struggled with walking far or for a long time and it was just a bit more geared towards Reuben and us, with Tobes tagging along in the carrier or tootling along slowly.

Now Toby has turned 4 he’s started asking for things like a bike and I’m determined that Miss Edith won’t be left out, especially as her personality is nowwhere near as laid back as Tobys is. She has a trike that has been passed down from child to child, but honestly it has rarely been used other than at Center Parcs. I have always loved my bugaboo pushchairs, so why would I subsitute one of those beauties for a trike?! Yet now… well, now she doesn’t want to be in the pushchair, can’t walk far and anything fun is perfect for her (and me – I’m all for a bit of free ranging but if it gives me a nervous twitch, it’s time to get strapped in.)

A couple of weeks ago we were sent a set of Micro Scooters as a family. As you can probably imagine, Reuben delighted us all win shouts of “That’s old skool tricks baby!” While he sped down the hill and jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the wall. Just to note here, I genuinely have NO idea what “old skool tricks” are, perhaps I’m ancient skool to him huh? Toby has since asked to “scoot scoot” everywhere since, but it’s Edith who I feel has a really HUGE benefit.

Don't fear, I've not lost my marbles, I just fell in love with this image because to me the speeding lines, the blur of whizzing past everyone, thats what scooters are all about.Pin this image on Pinterest

Don’t fear, I’ve not lost my marbles, I just fell in love with this image because to me the speeding lines, the blur of whizzing past everyone, thats what scooters are all about.

So unlike a trike where she is virtually sat in a fun pushchair and I’m doing the leg work, Edith has to use her legs for her scooter, even though she’s actually sat down and I am pushing (which takes a bit of getting used to by the way, the pushing. If you are like me and liable to start swearing like a navvy after discovering that the steering is a little challenging, try not to lose your shit, persevere and all will be well.)

There was this wonderful sense of satisfaction radiating off Edie, like she was really one of the big kids, which is adorable at not quite two. She loves it, and it’s a great way to tire her out on the walk into town – she’s not sat, frustrated in a pushchair, and she’s not wandering off inspiring heart palpertations from me every time she runs in the opposite direction to her brothers.

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Did you know that scooters aren’t just the most awesome fun for kids, but grown ups too? Both Adam and I were sent scooters too which means that we can go out and scoot as a family. At this point that is nigh impossible as someone needs to push Edith, and with the co-ordinated grace of a gorilla in heat, I’m not the girl to scoot and push. That brings me nearly to the other part I love about Edie’s scooter – it converts to the same “scoot scoot” that Toby has. The seat and bucket insert come off and BOOM, toddler scooter. So give her another year and we can all use them together.

The other thing that is worthwhile knowing, with scooters your toddler will learn an element of co-ordination, but will be strengthening their core body muscles and helping to encourage balance.

I’m planning to include Edith’s scooter in my Christmas gift guide this year as I really can’t explain how bloody awesome it is.

Get ya scoot scoot on peeps – it’s old skool after all.

Harriet x

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  1. Avatar April 8, 2017 / 8:25 pm

    The title “Scooters are the new bikes” is interesting. Yeah, I think scooters are more fun and easy to learn.

  2. Avatar December 6, 2016 / 6:17 pm

    These are so cool! I always wanted a scooter as a kid growing up but my parents wouldn’t get me one! They weren’t that common then though and were just basic kick scooters.

  3. Avatar November 24, 2016 / 5:19 pm

    haha how cute! I remember when I had a thing like that, those were the best! x

  4. Avatar November 24, 2016 / 3:03 pm

    Scooters are brilliant, my kids actually like their scooters more than their bikes

  5. Avatar November 23, 2016 / 5:24 pm

    Ooooh, this totally makes me want to get on a scooter now. Am I too old for them?

    • Harriet November 24, 2016 / 11:55 am

      Nooooo! I have one and so does hubs – get one!

  6. Avatar November 21, 2016 / 11:26 pm

    Oh wow, this looks so fab – I wish this was around when I was little! I was awful on the bike 🙁

  7. Avatar November 21, 2016 / 11:26 pm

    Oh wow, this looks so fab – I wish this was around when I was little! I was awful on the bike 🙁

  8. Avatar November 21, 2016 / 7:32 pm

    If I was a child again I would totally want a scooter, they look so much fun!

  9. Avatar November 21, 2016 / 4:11 pm

    I love scooters! We went for a walk yesterday and Elliw took her scooter. Her Dad had a few goes haha. They’re so much fun.

  10. Avatar November 21, 2016 / 10:17 am

    Oh my I love this so much. We have just got my daughter some heelys and my husband joked about me getting some lol I don’t think its a bad idea lol. Great post xx

  11. Avatar November 21, 2016 / 12:37 am

    I love the fact that you’ve all got scooters. What a fun thing to do as a family, whilst getting some exercise in. Will have to check them out for littlest’s Xmas pressie x

  12. Avatar November 19, 2016 / 10:41 pm

    I have a real love for scooters, my lad pretty much has a new one every year.

  13. Avatar November 19, 2016 / 2:58 pm

    Scooters are so fun! I loved my micro scooter when I was young! The wheel and lit up ha!

  14. Avatar November 19, 2016 / 12:13 pm

    Ah look at them whizzing along! Scooters are a number one on our Santa wishlists this year!

  15. Avatar November 19, 2016 / 12:53 am

    My daughters used to love being on their scooters. I was terrified that they would injure themselves but they never did!

  16. Avatar November 18, 2016 / 4:29 pm

    It looks like you had so much fun on the scooters! It’s lovely to see Edith getting involved too xx

  17. Avatar
    November 18, 2016 / 12:41 pm

    i remember having a scooter as child as it was the thing back then. i was on it all the time. it was brilliant

  18. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 10:53 pm

    When I was little, I always wanted to have a little scooter, but my parents never got me one. They look so much fun 🙂

  19. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 7:52 pm

    I love love love microscooters. We’ve had so many over the years reulting in even me and my OH getting ourselves one so we could keep up with the girls

  20. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 7:32 pm

    Adult scooters thats a great idea and one I would love to try.

  21. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 7:09 pm

    I used to love scooters when I was little! They’re deffo making a come back with adults too.

  22. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 11:50 am

    When I start school in September this would come in really handy! Much easier to carry around than a bike too!

  23. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 10:28 am

    I never learnt to ride a bike as a kid *hangs head in shame* but I did love using my scooter x

  24. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 8:23 am

    My nephew has a scooter my parents got him for his 3rd birthday but he prefered to see Mickey on his scooter sing than ride it but now at 4 he loves it big time

  25. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 7:55 am

    Scooters are definitely loads of fun, and they’re that much easier for smaller people to navigate so all is good! Our youngest has one too. 🙂

  26. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 6:17 am

    When I was younger, the mirco scooters were in where they would fold up and you could carry them over your shoulder. Used to abosolutely kill when they hit you on your shin!! xxx

  27. Avatar November 17, 2016 / 12:07 am

    I would love to have a go on a scooter, it is too hilly where I live to make cycling fun but I bet a scooter would work.

  28. Avatar
    November 16, 2016 / 11:35 pm

    How adorable! I used to love scooters as a kid. That first one is so sweet

  29. Avatar November 16, 2016 / 9:29 pm

    It’s soooooo true they are the new bike and mu kids love theirs even my 2 year old has mastered how to use one.

  30. Avatar November 16, 2016 / 8:12 pm

    Growing up because of my fear of bikes, I actually was on scooters for years and I loved them. I believed you got more exercise because you were pushing your weight around, whether that’s true or not I don’t know haha

  31. Avatar November 16, 2016 / 5:43 pm

    Ah you can get them for adults too? That’s awesome! Such a great way to spend some time together as a family and yep, I want a scooter!

  32. Avatar
    November 16, 2016 / 1:27 pm

    I remember the scooter i used to have. I had loads of fun down the park with it

  33. Avatar November 16, 2016 / 12:43 pm

    So cool you all got scooters! I used to ride mine when living in London to go to work, so much fun and everyone always wanted to try it 😛

  34. Avatar November 16, 2016 / 12:33 pm

    The parents got scooters too?! That sounds like sooo much fun!! x

  35. Avatar
    November 16, 2016 / 11:56 am

    I love a good old scooter!! Awesome to know there are some available for adults too I must admit I often try to have a go on my sons small one and it hurts my back haha!!

  36. Avatar
    Cassandra Mayers
    November 16, 2016 / 10:46 am

    They all look like such fun, Lily hates her pram, so im sure she would love something like this instead.

  37. Avatar November 16, 2016 / 9:02 am

    Aw that’s so cool. I never had a scooter growing up always BMX bikes (tomboy in me) lol but I love that this is something you can all do together.

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