Getting savvy this Christmas

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“Mummy, I need a Hatchimal! They have them on youtube and I like them! Pleas, oh pleaseeeee can I have one?”

“Ahem, well honey, you’ll have to put it on your Christmas list”

I’m pretty sure this is a familiar phrase to every parental being at this time of year, I mean, Christmas hits us hard. HARD hard. There are so many things that children want and so many people to buy for, I can imagine half of you got an eye twitch at the mention of a damn hatchimal and those of you that didn’t probably caught up with the mention of “christmas list”.

Last month Adam threw his back out and torn the muscle, I mentioned it a few times on instagram but it was pretty awful, especially as it happened the day before he was due to return back to work, which just so happens to involve heavy lifting and driving – two things that were a huge no no for an injury of that kind. So, que a long absence from work and a sudden flump on to statutory sick pay because his company didn’t pay him in full after 2 weeks of sick leave. Right before those pleas for Hatchimals and god knows what else started.

All the yay.

Now I know what you’re going to say, “Christmas isn’t about gifts and how much you get, it’s about family” and that is SO true, unless you’re a four year old who desperately wants a hatchimal and then Christmas is 100% about the presents and Santa. It’s also an opportunity to explain to your children about money, the true meaning of Christmas and that some things can’t be bought, and I’ve written about ways to do that before, but if you are like me and you find that the most enjoyable part of Christmas is spending time with your family but also gift giving, then you will understand why I feel so strongly about trying to make sure my kids get the things that they have asked for on their Christmas wish list (without being ridiculous – Reuben won’t be getting a surprise trip to DisneyWorld. Just no).

The thing is, how do we now make that goal achievable with less than a third of Adam’s wage and my freelance wage being so unpredictable?


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Get savvy people! Voucher sites are huge nowadays and they have a plethora of wonderful vouchers for people who don’t want to pay full price (which is all of us right?). The problem with a lot of voucher sites is that you have to visit each one individually, end up with an inbox full of crap you don’t want (erm, no, I don’t want a gym set *just* before Christmas when I’m searching for toys thanks) and take up a tonne of time. The latest way to maximise voucher searching is to download Pouch, a free (yes I said FREE) browser app that basically does the work for you by searching for the best deals as you go about your business searching for what you want, and on over 3000 sites too. Not only that but it will only show you current vouchers, so that gut wrenching realisation that you actually can’t get 40% of that top you wanted is no more. I had a go at using it yesterday and absolutely loved (still no hatchimal mind, the phase “rarer than rocking horse crap” spring to mind). You can download it here at JoinPouch.


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Can you buy it second hand? Believe when I tell you that my kids have A LOT of second hand. I’m a blogger and we aren’t strapped for cash *all* the time so they also have a lot of new stuff, but anything majorly priced or reasonable condition that I can get my mitts on second hand is a-go. Not the hatchimal, Toby wants to hatch that impossible to find little shit himself. Obvs.


Fake it till you Make it

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When we had the kids the decision was made that we wouldn’t spend a lot (if anything) on our parents, friends or siblings anymore. They understand that with three children, our priorities are different now and while we would love to be all up in that splurge life, we can’t. Simples. So instead, we (read: I) make stuff. I make hampers every year for all our parents, starting as early as the Summer holidays to get the kids to make cards, crafts and liqueurs and sweet treats. It’s done with love and with a few ribbons and a thrifted basket it is ON POINT as a Christmas gift. My mum cried last year when she got a bag with Reuben’s drawing on it that cost me £2.80 at ASDA. Legit cried. Me for the win.

I’m a big kid when it comes to Christmas and I don’t want anyone to miss out but sometimes you just don’t have the funds, right? Get creative this Christmas!

H x

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  1. Avatar November 30, 2016 / 10:44 pm

    Fab post! That’s what I dread about having kids, not always being able to get them every expensive thing but love how you just need to get more creative with the way you do Christmas. I’d love to make hampers etc

  2. Avatar November 26, 2016 / 4:58 pm

    I love the idea of fake it till you make it, such a good mantra x

  3. Avatar November 24, 2016 / 9:11 am

    Christmas is such an exciting time, especially when you’re a child! I love second hand, I think it’s looked down upon, but I’ve bought some real good bargains from scouting around 🙂 x

  4. Avatar November 23, 2016 / 11:43 pm

    I agree, it shouldn’t be about money and presents, but when it comes to kids, it certainly is.

  5. Avatar November 23, 2016 / 11:02 pm

    Mine want a hatchimal too but I’m not sure they are available in many places now as they were out of stock last time I checked. I do like to try and make gifts where possible especially foodie ones it’s great as it can save you a few pounds.

  6. Avatar November 23, 2016 / 8:55 pm

    Very good ideas! I’m fan of thrifting, and I need to download Join Pounch! Sounds amazing 🙂

  7. Avatar
    November 23, 2016 / 3:02 pm

    Oh Christmas!!! The time of year thats suppose to be lovely and relaxing but instead brings stress and leaves us skint!! Kids toys I find are so expensive and ridiculously over priced!

  8. Avatar
    November 23, 2016 / 12:13 pm

    I love making little presents for people at Christmas x

  9. Avatar November 23, 2016 / 12:10 pm

    I used to make a hamper every year for my husband’s gran. I love the idea of hampers they are fab!

  10. Avatar
    Sarah (Mum x3x)
    November 23, 2016 / 11:01 am

    Same here – I buy a lot second hand, especially toys because the kids soon get bored of them! Being thrifty saves me a lot of money and the kids don’t know any different. They do of course have some new things, though 🙂

  11. Avatar November 23, 2016 / 10:26 am

    OUCH! I felt it reading about Adam’s back, even when I get a trapped nerve in my back it’s uncomfortable. I hope he’s recovering/recovered well. I agree as you get older it’s not so much about giving gifts etc but with children it’s hard to explain that to them lol.

    I’m always on the hunt for vouchers – I don’t really agree with this whole black friday business because I noticed some telling lies on websites, where you think you’re saving and actually that was the RRP all along. My uncle’s wife does the thrifting and handmade gifts, she did it last year and it was SO beautiful and thoughtful. X

  12. Avatar November 22, 2016 / 11:26 pm

    Fantastic. FANTASTIC tips. I too go thrift shopping and handmake some gifts too. I like to give one handmade gift, and one..not too expensive bought gift to my family members.

  13. Avatar November 22, 2016 / 11:08 pm

    Not going to lie, I had to google what a Hatcnhimal was! I’m always browsing online for voucher codes before I do shopping, got to watch those pennies! xo

  14. Avatar November 22, 2016 / 3:58 pm

    Pouch looks so good for deal finding! I must download that! Great tips!

  15. Avatar November 22, 2016 / 11:03 am

    I think hampers and making presents is always a nice way to show how much you care without having to spend a lot x

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