Royal night lights from L’Oiseau Bateau to brighten up your child’s room!

Lamps by L'Oiseau Bateau via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This Hindu princess is my favourite lamp, I just love the colours and the fact that this lamp is so different to most.

Lamps by L'Oiseau Bateau via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Stylish packaging to match the stylish lamp!

I have been really looking into things for the children’s bed rooms lately, especially now that I have a nursery to decorate! I wanted to do something for the boys room that was a little bit more grown up and sophisticated but still ‘toddler-ish’ enough for now. Something they could grow with that I wouldn’t be redecorating over and over again, possibly only tweaking.

For the baby I wanted a room that could be grown into, but that was still suitable for a nursery and that is when I reached out to one of my favourite sites Alex & Alexa, and they didn’t fail me! I came across these lovely night lights from L’Oiseau Bateau which will add a royal flare to any child’s room.

At the moment, I’m not far enough along in the planning to decide on one of these for my nursery (will I ever get the time?!) but I thought these were something I had to share with you all. They make a great alternative to the often gaudy and not so stylish princess or prince night lights from the highstreet, plus they take the historical form of Princes and Princesses so give your little ones a chance to learn about the rich history of the world. I especially like the way that these cast a soft glow, as opposed to the harsh light of many bed side lights.

You can find the lights here at Alex & Alexa.

Harriet x

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