The birthday boy, playing with his new kitchen whilst wearing a very cool construction party hat from Little Lulubel!
So this week Reuben has turned 3 years old! I can’t believe it, I am slightly misty eyed at the very thought, I’m well aware of how pathetic that is, but I’m still misty eyed!
So what did we do for his birthday? Well very little if truth be told. We have organised a party for next weekend, which I will be posting about, so we really left the actual day to family and close friends.
He went off to preschool on the morning, where he was given a birthday bell (something I have never heard of before, but he thought it was the height of cool!) and lots of attention… the birthday bell is great, its like a bell for a cats collar – you know when he’s coming! When he came home, we spent the rest of the afternoon opening presents and playing.
For his birthday he has been given a wooden kitchen and a set of play foods to go with it (the play foods are from big jigs and are simply fab – great way to get children learning about foods, you can check them out here.) Both him and Toby have spent the last few days cooking us ‘delicious’ meals and toast. Lots of toast.
Later on in the evening we had our usual Friday night pizza night, which has become a total tradition in our home, and I love it. It has replaced our culture nights, which I do still do occasionally, but I just don’t have time to do every week. The pizza night was gate crashed by the arrival of Grandma & Pops, and the boys Godparents, who came back from Australia a few days before. It was great to see them all – they all came baring gifts, so no one was happier to see them than a very excited 3 year old, and fortunately I made just enough pizza and cake to share with everyone!
Construction tape along the floor went down a treat! Really easy to buy from somewhere like eBay, and not at all pricey!
One thing I did do for Reuben’s birthday that he really enjoyed was construction tape lines on the floor and across the doors (see picture) – he thought it was brilliant and it made for a very easy decoration!
I will be posting about his party and how we have set it up next week, so if you have a party coming up you might catch some good ideas!
Harriet x