What we read :: Surtsey the Cat by Hilary Roper

What we read :: Surtsey the cat via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Surtsey the cat by Hilary Roper, perfect for inspiring little ones imaginations with the most wonderful illustrations.

This book was a Christmas gift from my Mum to both of the boys and it is absolutely stunning so was a must have for our what we read series. We met the author, Hilary Roper, at a local Christmas fair and she explained to us about her beautiful book and the illustrations (which she sells as prints too) and how she has loving developed the story to inspire the minds of little ones with an underwater adventure! When I wasn’t looking Mum bought a copy and had Hilary sign it to both of the boys too – it’s such a treat for us all as a family.

Surtsey the cat goes on an underwater adventure (which Reuben was most distraught to learn our cat Mushu wouldn’t want to do in the bath!) and each page has the most fabulous illustrations to go alongside the story. The boys loved spotting the fish and various things in Surtsey’s adventure.

If you want to find a copy of Surtsey the Cat then you find it here.

Harriet x

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