Easter parties are something that all children (and adults) enjoy, especially with an Easter egg hunt involved – it’s a case of hunting about for chocolate… to be fair, who wouldn’t love it! Last year I wrote about Easter egg hunts and gave you a few ideas of what to do for the kids for Easter with safety tips and organising a hunt, but I thought I’d get a bit more specific this time… how do you have the best Easter egg hunt ever? What about a proper party for Easter, with lunch included. I’ve organised an Easter party and egg hunt for the kids next week with some little friends during the Easter holidays which is something I’ve done for a few years now and each time it gets more fun and more exciting!
I’ve put together a few tips on how to make your Easter party so much fun over the holiday:
- Check out all of the dietary needs of the children coming.
It’s not fun to be the only child at the party who can’t enjoy any of the treats. This year we have a little friend who is coming who is dairy intolerant, which means that he either needs something different to some of the other kiddos to hunt for. I’m super lucky because his mummy told me in advance and has kindly gone out and sourced some of his favourite treats so he won’t feel left out or upset. If this happens to you think about making something alternative like jelly sweets, fruit, dairy free chocolate etc. To make sure that the other little ones don’t find his/her prizes you can give each one a sticker and put matching stickers on the treats for each child. That way, everyone gets even, no one feels like they are singled out and we all have fun.
- Don’t forget to decorate!
There is something about finding little rabbits and things about the garden that is just too much fun. Let’s be honest, these little decorations cost nothing and they look super sweet. The other thing you could try would be to buy some of these little tassels (I’ve got mine from My Little Day) to put in the trees, just to spruce up the garden a little bit.
- Try not to over do it.
There is nothing worse than finding out you have a mountain of chocolate eggs but you can’t stop searching because there are a tonne of things still hidden. Don’t go crazy, the kids won’t appreciate it and neither will the grown ups when they have grumpy, hyper kiddos at home. On the same note, remember that these are children, you really don’t need to make it a MENSA style hunt, simple clues will suffice.
- Don’t forget lunch!
All that chocolate is enough to make anyone forget about Lunch – who wants carrot sticks and sandwiches when they can have Easter eggs?! Unfortunately the last thing you want to see is a group of crazy hyper children who have nothing in their bellies but chocolate – so a lunch or dinner meal is essential for an Easter party. I’ve got a tonne of fun suggestions for Easter treats (savoury and sweet) on pinterest, but if you aren’t feeling overly creative then why not just have a normal picnic? There are few things more fun than a picnic when you are a child, and it’s something you can do indoors or out.
- What happens if it rains? The best indoor parties…
Raining? In April, in the UK? Noooo, never. Ok, all joking apart, chances are that it is going to rain over the Easter holidays and as is sods law it will do it just after you have organised a glorious Easter hunt in the sunshine, complete with picnic and games. Well, that doesn’t matter! Easter parties are just as much fun indoors as they are out. Get creative with you hiding of Easter eggs, but if there are places you don’t want the kids to seek out, make little clues that help lead them to the eggs. As for a picnic, a big blanket in the living room with all of the sofas pushed out of the way is a weekly thing in our house – don’t let them weather be a party pooper, be prepared for indoor fun too!
- Don’t forget the grown ups!
This is so easy to do, and I’ve done it myself before. Don’t forget the mums and dads that you invite! They want food and drink too, not just your company. My mum and dad used to host the most wonderful Easter parties, but not only did they do little picnics for the kids, there would be a wonderful spread for the grown ups too, complete with Easter punch and a keg of beer (ok, they had THE best parties ever). There really is no need to go mad, a platter of open sandwiches, some hot cross buns and a few different juice options will make a world of difference!
That’s it for top tips, I hope you do invite friends over and have a little party, it’s so much fun and something that really made Easter for me as a child… not just for the chocolate!
Harriet x
Great set of tips, we are away for Easter and are planning a easter egg hunt in the barn and grounds we are staying in. I am super excited!!
Thanks Stephanie, oh wow, have fun! H x
Brilliant tips, I love Easter egg hunts. Love the tip about checking out dietary needs of children coming, think it is easily forgotten or not considered to think about allergies or intolerance’s.
Thank you
H x
You’ve really thought of everything! As an allergy mum, I love the fact you’ve thought of the children who might not be able to have the same things as other children: huge thumbs up here
Awh thanks Mel. A friend of mine came to a party one year and she had to bring separate stuff – I hate to think of any little one left out so I thought it was worth including
H x
I’ve never done an Easter egg hunt if I am honest – oops! I am interested to do one this year for the kids though. Great tips
Thank you Beth, it was great fun – something I’m really looking forward to this year
H x
Great list! I love an Easter party and we’ve had plenty of indoor egg hunts. They’re still really fun!
Thanks Erin – yes, I suspect this year is going to be an indoor one
H x
Some fab tips!! I think this will be something I’ll definitely host in a year or two with Amelia and her little friends! Who doesn’t love Easter! x
Thanks Alice
H x
Great tips! I have only ever done a little Easter egg hunt for my child, haven’t been brave enough to invite lots of kids round!
Ohhh try it Sarah, it was so fun! H x
love having a carpet picnic – it can happen a lot in the UK
I’m excited for Easter!
Me too – so much fun