Preparing for baby: Moving older sibling’s into a new bedroom!

Moving older siblings to a new room via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This is my favourite part of the whole room. Reuben loves his painting (which he chose) as do I and I love the fact that they have the bunting from their nursery in there too 🙂

Since I shared the baby’s room a few days ago I thought it would only be fair to share the boy’s new bedroom as well!

I LOVE their room and so do they! We have opted to keep them both in the same room, we did at one point ask Reuben if (as the oldest child) he would like to move to his own room, but his answer was a definitive NO, he wanted his brother Toby to share with him. At the moment we have two beds on opposite sides of the room, however I wrote a few weeks ago about the boys getting into bed with each other and how much better they slept (you can read the post here), so that may change in due course to one double bed!

I used the same method of creating a block above Reuben’s bed that I did for baby’s nursery, with masking tape and paint of our choice. I then took the bunting that had been in the boy’s nursery and used it in their room, just to try and tie something in so it wasn’t too daunting for them to move. I got Reuben to help me choose the artwork above his bed, he chose two prints from artist Oliver Lake over at Iota illustrated and one from Dekanimal. He loves to tell me about the Giraffe being a really helpful animal to the skunk and the bear playing to the animals in the wood. Finally to tie Reuben’s bed together I bought him (and Toby as they share them during playtime) some of these gorgeous pillows from Laura Frisk, which you can read about here.

Moving older siblings to a new room via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Toby’s side is still looking a little bare to me, I love the wooden display boxes though and I think once he is a bit older I will have him choose some cushions (like I did with Roo) and we can decorate the bed more.

On Toby’s side of the room I used wooden display shelves and painted the background on the wall with three complimentary colours to create a fun effect, we then added the boy’s Ingela Arrhenius OMM designs nesting dolls, which I can guarantee get taken down at least 50 times a day to play with!

Moving older siblings to a new room via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

These hold such a place in my heart. They were my husband’s and my mother in law offered them to me when I had Reuben. I absolutely love hanging their dressing gowns on them and they are so sentimental.

Moving older siblings to a new room via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I’ve kept the boy’s wardrobe the same, and it is on an angle as the room is really quite large so lends itself to that. We still have a few things on display that were in their nursery, and then some more grown up toys too.

The rest of the space was used for the boys wardrobes and I have changed the changing unit into a chest of drawers. One of my favourite touches is the bear hooks above the dresser as they belonged to my husband Adam, so they are real hand me downs that the boys have had since day one and another thing to come into their new room.

All in all a more grown up space for the boys. It can be really daunting moving older sibling’s into a new bedroom, so we really tried to get them (well, more Reuben as Toby was a touch oblivious to the changes!) involved in decorating. This way we gradually explained to them what was happening, they were getting a special new room, it was going to be much bigger for them to play in and enjoy some personal space (Roo will already head off upstairs to play on his iPad or look at a book in bed, especially when Toby is terrorising him!). I also made a point of adding some of their toys to the drawers underneath their bed’s and making sure that they knew that they could come up and down the stairs for playing with, but because they had a special new room with lots of room they could enjoy their toys upstairs too.

If you have recently moved your soon to be older siblings into new rooms, how have they taken to it and what did you do to make it easier for them?

Harriet x

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