The Pregnancy Diaries :: Weeks 35 – 38

The Pregnancy Diaries :: Weeks 35-38 via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

38 weeks pregnant. This was at a recent maternity photo shoot that I had, which was wonderful for making me feel so special and blessed to have my bump.

What’s been happening to baby over the last three weeks?

During these last few weeks of pregnancy baby has put on so much weight! No longer a skinny little thing baby has filled out enough to help her survive and stay warm outside of the uterus. She’s shed most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Baby ill most commonly be in a head down position, if not our practitioner may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version (ECV). That’s a fancy way of saying that your practitioner will apply pressure to your abdomen to try to manipulate your baby into a head-down position. By the end of 38 weeks the average baby weighs about 6.8 pounds and is over 19 1/2 inches long (about the size of a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you’ll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

The reality: How have I been feeling in the last few weeks?

Well, I don’t know whether it has been the Christmas and New Year excitement but that bone aching tiredness has returned with a vengeance over the last few weeks. I can honestly say I am doing my best to listen to my body and accept that I need to have the odd nap when and were I can. At this point I have turned to the birthing ball to try and make sure that baby gets into a good position. Both of my babies have been OP (which means back to back) and makes for a really long, protracted labour that usually ends in cesarian section. Toby managed to be born, but Reuben had to be a section and after that experience I would do near enough ANYTHING to avoid a repeat.

I think I have been feeling a bit more of the ‘birth fear’ over the last few weeks. I’m not afraid of the pain, or anything along those lines, but I have been so worried that baby will be in the back to back position and I will end up having another section. This is something that I have to come to terms with and do everything I can to encourage baby to stay in the right position. I would love to have started taking red raspberry leaf tea to encourage labour but as I have been anaemic this pregnancy I can’t as red raspberry leaf tea has a reputation for causing anaemia!


Chilli. Lots of chilli and it has been building over the last few months!

The bad, adorable and downright funny.


Over the last few weeks of pregnancy we have had some hilarious moments with the boys trying to help me use the birthing ball, climbing into baby’s crib and various other things. My stand out funny moment was at 4.30am one morning (and by morning I mean night, because 4.30am is night!!!!) Reuben came into our bedroom and snuggled into me, only to ask: Mummy, how does baby come out?

Needless to say 4.30am was too early to have that conversation and my husband swept in with Mummy has to push her out, the ball helps get her ready – remember? Another parenting bullet dodged!


Both of the boys are really excited now. Reuben in particular has been itching to help with everything he can over the last few weeks and has been talking about how he is excited for baby’s arrival. During the last week he helped me set up baby’s crib and even tightened some of the screws himself! He also visited a friend of his Grandma’s who has just had a baby and fed baby a full 8oz bottle! So sweet, now he wants to know if he can feed his sister!


The last few weeks have been really hard on my pelvis, it’s been a struggle getting up and about but fortunately for me I have to little monkey’s to keep me active! I have also found the increasing tiredness over the last few weeks to be more of a challenge, but I am doing my best to try and listen to my body and it’s needs… or as much as the boys will allow!

Harriet x

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