The Pregnancy Diaries :: Week 33

The Pregnancy Diaries :: Week 33 :: Toby & Roo, daily advice and inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This week baby is about the size of a pineapple (not to mention the weight!)

What’s happening to baby this week?

This week, baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (no wonder everything feels so heavy!)  and is probably just over 17 inches long. The wrinkled alien look is fading, in place of a hardening skeleton and a good dose of body fat. The bones in his skull aren’t fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. These bones will continue to fuse right until adulthood where they will become fixed and strong.

The reality: How have I been feeling this week?

Well, I’m not sure what is going to cave first, my pelvis or my sanity!

This week has been a little tough, I’ve had a very poorly Reuben, a poorly Toby and a poorly husband… on top of it all I’m full of cold myself. Ahh the joys of winter.

On top of this head cold and a house hold full of poorly people, I have been feeling a tremendous amount of pressure on my pelvis when I am stood upright over the last few days. Bambino really seems to be weighing down on me this week and I have found it quite a challenge to cope with her baring down so much… this isn’t something I was treated to in my past pregnancies, especially not this early!

I’m also experiencing a touch of dry skin around my boobs – something I never had before either, and something I hadn’t been expecting! I’ve been making good use of my Boo Boo Miracle oil included in my gift box from Almondella (which you can read about here) on it and it seems to make a wonderful difference!


Nothing. I have turned into a perpetual snacker and I can eat a copious amount of chocolate in one sitting, but sadly, I don’t actually fancy any food at all!

The bad, adorable and downright funny.


I’m beginning to resemble a bit of a duck when I walk – I waddled from side to side and struggle walk normally!


The baby has started to really respond to my husband’s voice now, she seems to really love Daddy!


Mainly the pelvis – it is ridiculous to feel so much pressure all of the time, but I’m confident it is just a normal part of my pelvis softening!

Harriet x

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