The Pregnancy Diaries :: Week 28

The Pregnancy Diaries :: Week 28 :: Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

At week 28 baby is about the size of a large aubergine.

What’s happening to baby this week?

This week, baby weighs around 2 1/4 pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. That is about the size of a large aubergine.

She now has eyelashes (hopefully they will be as long as her brother’s!) and can blink her eyes. As she can now see the light that filters through the womb you may notice more movements if you shine a torch over your bump! Her body is still fattening up and that brain is developing more neurons every second.

The reality: How have I been feeling this week?

Wow I am shattered this week! My iron and ferritin levels are still low as is my blood pressure, all of which adds up to a very tired me! On a hugely plus side I haven’t had many pains at all this week, I just feel swollen, fat and unattractive! Hello third trimester!

I have also been suffering the less glamorous effects of iron tablets, though with a continued obsession with chilli ramen that is hopefully going to improve. I still have to ‘keep my feet up and rest’ though that is so difficult with little children in the house. I will say that it is a miracle if I am still awake by 9pm, something that my night owl husband is totally confused by!

I’ve also found this week, and I think it is a team up of hormones and tiredness, but I have been very quick to get emotional and tear up, another natural part of pregnancy. Oh and elephant feet, I can’t forget to mention those!


Mmm chilli ramen. Delicious and helpful with keeping me hydrated, and avoiding the effects of iron tablets.

The bad, adorable and downright funny.


Ahh, pregnancy. You make me so attractive! Earlier this week I was sat in a restaurant with my mother and suddenly let out a very loud belch. Needless to say I was mortified, though I don’t think anyone but me noticed! Completely out of the blue and unexpected. Sexy.


The boys are still quite cuddly with my bump, though they still haven’t felt any kicks. Reuben keeps telling people there is a baby in my belly. Just in case they thought I was this rotund anyway!


The lack of energy thanks to my ferritin levels and low blood pressure. It hasn’t been fun with two energetic toddlers to entertain and an inability to actually rest. Lots of early nights have been required!

Harriet x

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