Baby weighs roughly about the same as a large swede at this point in pregnancy, which is pretty heavy!
What’s happening to baby this week?
Baby is now about 13 1/2 inches, weighs roughly around 1 1/2lbs, and is beginning to get some baby fat. Baby is also now beginning to get more hair, which is already showing the right colouring. This week baby is about the size of a large swede.
The reality: How have I been feeling this week?
I am so tired this week. Not to mention irritable. Unfortunately, this week has been really challenging with little sleep, badly behaved toddlers not contributing helpfully and general stresses. One really positive thing is the amount of kicks I am feeling from baby, it’s been absolutely lovely to feel her moving about… though feeling those sharp elbows and knees digging in hasn’t been as much fun.
I think the lack of energy also hasn’t been helped by my anaemia, something which i’m hoping to combat with spatone and a better diet! I also had to have a glucose test this week thanks to a family history of diabetes, which was absolutely horrible!
Not really had any this week, though I have been eating oranges and pink grapefruit slices like they are going out of fashion. Yum.
The bad, adorable and downright funny.
I can now pop my belly button out because my bump is getting so big! It’s gross, but the boys think it is hilarious!
Toby and Reuben are getting more and more spellbound by my bump as the weeks go on, it is really quite adorable and special. They haven’t had the patience to feel baby kick yet, but it is very sweet when they put their little hands on.
The tiredness and irritability has been really tough this week. I really just want to be left alone and rest.
Harriet x