The Pregnancy Diaries :: Week 24

The Pregnancy Diaries :: week 24 via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This week baby is about the size of an ear of corn, which means she weighs over 1lb and is nearly a foot long!

What’s happening to baby this week?

Baby is growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week, and is about the length of an ear of corn! No wonder pregnancy is so tiring huh?! Baby is still pretty lean but is beginning to plump up steadily. The brain and lungs are really developing rapidly now, making leaps and bounds, though the skin is still red and thin.

The reality: How have I been feeling this week?

Well, I can explain last week’s energy drop by my discovery that I am slightly anaemic, though not worryingly so at the moment. I have decided to start taking Spatone as opposed to classic iron tablets (which can often cause problem with constipation) which was recommended to me by a group of really helpful ladies in one of my pregnancy/mama groups. Spatone is essentially just a pure iron supplement and is really great for pregnant women and, so fingers crossed this will boost my iron levels and I can avoid the dreaded iron tablets.

I am still being treated to very low lying kicks, some of which are really quite sharp. This little lady is one strong kicker!

I haven’t had too much stomach acid this week, so fingers crossed this is beginning to wear off. Sleep is still pretty dicey, Reuben is still restless in the night, which is so unlike him, and incredibly frustrating for me!


I seem to have such a sweet tooth this week and I am really beginning to worry about it! I don’t want to gain an excessive amount go weight, but I also don’t want to feed baby nothing but nutrition-less junk!

The bad, adorable and downright funny.


I can’t think of anything especially funny this week! The boy’s have been stock piling their amusing sayings for another day!


There is such joy to be had in sharing the moment your baby is kicking. I love spending the evenings lying on the sofa with my husband while he sits and feels baby kicking and wriggling about. It’s magical.


There is nothing fun about being kicked on the cervix. Nothing at all.

Harriet x

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