The Pregnancy Diaries :: Week 23

Pregnancy Diaries :: Week 23 via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Baby weighs about as much as a very large mango this week and is about the size of a grapefruit.

What’s happening to baby this week?

This week baby weighs about as much as a large mango, so is starting to get heavier! At this stage baby still has soft, wrinkled skin that will be red in colour – irrespective of race. The ears are still becoming more developed, though at this stage you have to watch out for edema (fluid build up) in your legs as everything is starting to get a little bit more squashed inside you.

The reality: How have I been feeling this week?

The stomach acid seems to have eased off a touch, and no vomiting has occurred this week… hooray! I do feel slightly guilty even mentioning the vomiting when it has happened a total of 6 times throughout the whole pregnancy, but it’s the little thing I’m celebrating. I love that I can now see baby moving, as well as feel it. It’s great for myself and Adam, I just wish that the boys could focus for long enough to watch her wiggle, though I’m sure they will when I get further along.

This week I have had quite a lot of discomfort, baby seems to have been lying very low and (what feels like) kicking my cervix into submission. It’s not pleasant and I don’t know if it’s a case of searching out an escape route, but it is certainly frustrating for me! I have also started to feel quite uncomfortable at bedtime, with a good degree of back ache throughout the day.

My energy levels seem to be dropping off again, but I am attributing that more to the fact that Reuben won’t sleep in his own bed and is constantly coming through to us in the night for a midnight cuddle!


I have had a bit of a mixture, still looking for chocolate at all hours, however I seem to have taken a fancy to chilli again too.

The bad, adorable and downright funny.


This past weekend one of my closest friend’s celebrated her birthday, at her party I was dancing with another friend who suddenly started to giggle. I asked her what on earth she was laughing at and she just about managed to get out that I looked truly wonderful and hilarious dancing with my huge bump on the front. From that point onwards she spent the rest of the evening dancing with my bump and forgot I was there!


Earlier in the week Toby made to jump on me on the bed and Reuben came rushing forwards shouting, ‘No Toby, you might hurt my baby!!’ It was super sweet and a sign that he is already getting protective! We also made some bodysuits for the baby this week, which we all enjoyed and was so cute. You can read about it here.


The discomfort this week is probably the worst thing. Oh and the need to pee 7 or 8 times before bed and during the night… seriously?

Harriet x

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