I’ve used this image from Greylikesbaby.com – a wonderful and dedicated blog. I can’t get over this fabulous way to document a pregnancy. So clever and beautiful.
When I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of the year I was determined to write a weekly update on the blog, and I was so excited I started at week 7 (some of you will remember this, but you can see my only entry to the previous pregnancy diaries here) but then sadly the following week I had a miscarriage. I was devastated.
So as you can imagine, this time I have been far more cautious and I have chosen to avoid mentioning my pregnancy too much, which I have realised means I have hardly any bump pictures, hardly any mementos and absolutely no logs on the blog. So that is absolutely going to change! I am going to be giving a weekly update on my pregnancy and my experiences, starting with a recount of my first trimester.
The Ups
Well, firstly there was the ecstatic feeling that I was so lucky to be pregnant again so soon after my miscarriage. I have loved developing a little bump (ok, third child, so not so little but still…) and developing again. I have been really lucky to avoid morning sickness (almost) completely, and I have been blessed to be able to have 2 scans, one early on to check everything was ok with this growing miracle and one at 12 weeks.
Also, and I do believe this is something that happens after a few pregnancies, I have been lucky enough to feel those first few flutters of movement from baby and it has been magical.
The Downs
Obviously with this pregnancy being immediately after my miscarriage, I have found that there was some negativity amongst friends and strangers, the element of worry was also present for those first few weeks. I have really struggled to enjoy this pregnancy so far, it’s been something that has been worrisome and I have only really in the last few weeks started to find my confidence in my own body.
I think if I am honest with myself, I have been snappier with my husband and the boys that I would have been if I hadn’t suffered the miscarriage earlier in the year, my patience has been thinned by the worry and strain.
I haven’t really wanted to eat much but junk food either! This has been so strange, as I really am a bit of a veggie lover, and especially stir fried veg with marinaded chicken, but alas, it has been more pizza and take out of late! As you can imagine, with the fast food craving comes the weight gain. Whose silly idea was it to tell women they shouldn’t gain so much weight in the first trimester? I read up to 4 lbs in normal!! More like 2 stone in my case!
Funny moments
My husband telling me I wasn’t fat as I had a slice of pizza dangling from my mouth, tears streaming down my cheeks as I tried desperately to pull my non-maternity jeans up over my knees. At 8 weeks pregnant!
Reuben and I were having a conversation one afternoon.
Me: Roo, do you think this will be a brother like Toby or a sister?
Reuben: No.
Me: No? It has to be one.
Reuben: No Mummy, it’s going to be a truck.
It’s pretty safe to say he is going to be one disappointed toddler!
Cravings and Favourite foods
Fatty foods like burgers and chips
Spicy food
So that is my first trimester in a nutshell, I would love to know of any experiences you have with your pregnancy or pregnancies and please keep up to date with weekly updates from now on!
Harriet x
Aw congratulations lovely – lots of luck for a happy, healthy pregnancy!

Its my due date tomoro!
Lianne | TheBrunetteSays…
Oh thank you Lianne, fingers crossed everything is going well! Goodness, happy due date! I hope baby makes an appearance soon