Plantable placemats from Plant-A-Bloomer

Plantable placemats from Plant a Bloomer via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

outdoor picnics are soon going to be on the menu and I have just come across these super fun placemats from Plant-a-bloomer

Plantable placemats from Plant a Bloomer via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

The ‘paper’ is made from seeds and recycled paper such as discarded craft paper, newspapers and old leaflets etc. when you have had a little picnic, enjoyed your nibbles and you are ready to pack everything away, you simply tear up the placemat and plant it.

Plantable placemats from Plant a Bloomer via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

These placemats aren’t just great for a picnic, what about an outdoor celebration like a wedding or a christening – yes, I have Christenings on the brain!

It’s coming up to picnic season! Hooray!

Oh I love a good picnic, we tend to have them allll year round, even when it’s hideous weather outside we will get the picnic blanket out, take the cushions off the sofas and get in front of the fire with a whole host of picnic style foods scattered in front of us – seriously, if you haven’t done this before you simply must, it’s a childhood memory I cherish and it’s something that boys get so so excited about!

Anyway, outdoor picnics are soon going to be on the menu and I have just come across these super fun placemats from Plant-a-bloomer. The ‘paper’ is made from seeds and recycled paper such as discarded craft paper, newspapers and old leaflets etc. when you have had a little picnic, enjoyed your nibbles and you are ready to pack everything away, you simply tear up the placemat and plant it. It will then disintegrate into the soil and germinate producing lots of little seedlings!

I just think this makes a picnic even more fun, I can see the boys in the garden now, tucking into some picnic treats and then getting out their little garden sets and planting their placemats. They would enjoy it so much, and suddenly you have an extra activity to enjoy!

Harriet x

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