Pineapple & Orange Marmalade recipe

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As part of Reuben’s children’s university – and just because it’s fun – we do rather a lot of cooking, making and baking. What sounds nicer than Pineapple & orange marmalade?

Last weekend Adam and I took the kid’s to watch Toronto Wolfpack vs York City Knights rugby league super 8 match, courtesy of Air Transat who kindly asked us to come along and watch as one of their guests. Pretty cool right? Only problem – Reuben had been brewing a sore throat and he really didn’t feel up to coming along, so he asked if he could stay at home with his Maw Maw and just rest. Naturally we tried to persuade him, but in the end it was as a crew of 4 we headed off.

Whilst they were at home alone, Mum and Reuben decided to make jam using the pineapple that I had bought earlier in the week for a photoshoot. We can’t cope with waste in our house so everything has to be used!

The jam was a bit of a test run to be honest. Roo wanted some pineapple jam for his toast and we said that if it was tasty, we would make some more later on in the year for his Grandparents as part of their hamper at Christmas time which we usually fill full of all the treats the kids have made.

So how do you make this delicious Pineapple & Orange Marmalade recipe? Here you go:

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  • 1 medium-large pineapple, around 2lbs, peeled with eye removed.
  • 1 large orange, 12oz, coarsely chopped
  • 900g/4 cups jam sugar
  • 4-5 jars (I recommend these absolute beauties from Alessi if you are gifting – also, check out the rest of that range, especially the cat bowl)

Slice the pineapple and cut into chunks. Pop it in the food processor along with the orange and blend to a thick puree.

Place in a 4 litre/7 pint bowl and stir in the sugar. Abandon for an hour of whimsy.

Leave uncovered and cook in the microwave on full (750-800W) for 10minutes, stirring 3 times with a WOODEN spoon. Jam golden rule according to my mum!

Reduce the microwave to medium (550w) and cook for another 30-35minutes, stirring 3-4 times.

Allow to cook to lukewarm, be mega careful not to burn yourself in the meantime and when it’s cool enough add to warmed (stops them shattering) jars, top with paper discs (you can get them here) and leave to go cold.

Cover with lids and then gift or gobble.

H 🙂 x

*may contain collaborative links

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