Seriously cool pencil cases for back to school without the drama.

So it’s not long now before the kids go back to school (can you believe it is going so quickly?) and with that, as always, comes the need for a brand new set of back to school supplies. These include everything from the clothes to the accessories and one of the most heralded accessories is the dear pencil case. You can NOT go to school with an uncool pencil case. It won’t fly. So here, stylish parents of the world, is a selection of the coolest pencil cases that I could find so that your kids will be able to claim the cool prize on that front!

Organic Cotton Pencil Cases designed by Sukie

Top pencil cases for back to school via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

These 100% cotton pencil cases from Sukie are too cool!

I love these. I have always been a fan of Sukie designs, I think they are cool and stylish in a totally effortless way. What I really like about these cases is that the designs are likely to be something that a child of any age would like, you could use this at 6 years old as well as 16 years old. Win.

Pencil Cases by Poppy

Top pencil cases for back to school via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I love the fact that you can wipe down the Poppy pencil cases, stylish and practical!

I have always been a fan of Poppy England and their beautiful designs and I really think this pencil case is going to be a hit with kids this return to school season. The case is wipeable without being plastic. Perfect.

Retro Pencil shaped case

Top back to school pencil cases via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Shh, you don’t have to tell them it’s a retro classic, they can think it’s cool all by themselves!

Ok, so your kids aren’t actually old enough to understand that this is a retro classic, I’m sure they will think that it was their generation that thought of it first, but the fact remains, like hareem trousers, this is a retro classic.

Pienza Leather pencil case

Top back to school pencil cases via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

These pencil cases are so stylish, they are the perfect ‘grown up’ accessory.

These pencil cases are just too stylish. I have to say they are one that will last and last, the ultimate in different and unique and the perfect ‘grown up’ accessory for any style forward teen.

Make your own pencil case

Top back to school pencil cases via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Officially my favourite of the bunch, this is a totally design it yourself case. Cool or what?!

This is officially my favourite pencil case. For kids who are stylish, creative or just easily bored with their accessories, this is the must. Working on the same principles as lego this is a totally design it yourself style case. Awesome.

So that’s it, there is the round up of my favourite back to school pencil cases for 2014. If you have fallen for any of them and want to get your hands on one for your little one’s (or not so little one) return to school, then click the images.

Harriet x

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  1. Avatar February 8, 2019 / 12:46 am

    how can I buy the retro pencil case shaped like a pencil

  2. Avatar
    December 31, 2015 / 3:25 pm

    I LOVE that last one! Where can I buy it?! 🙂

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