Party ideas for kids :: Alice in Wonderland themed picnics for the summer

Alice in Wonderland themed tea parties for kids this summer via Toby & Roo :: Daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kidsPin this image on Pinterest

This could be such a fun way to indulge in a picnic with the kids this summer.

Alice in Wonderland themed tea parties for kids this summer via Toby & Roo :: Daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kidsPin this image on Pinterest

Real china might be a no if you have very little children, but Little Lulubel sell paper ‘cups’ that replicate the real thing!

Alice in Wonderland themed tea parties for kids this summer via Toby & Roo :: Daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kidsPin this image on Pinterest

Perfect place mats, gorgeous cup cakes… just what the summer parties need, a touch of whimsy.

Alice in Wonderland themed tea parties for kids this summer via Toby & Roo :: Daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kidsPin this image on Pinterest

These cake decorations can be used again and again for crafting or decorating cakes as you please.

If you are like me then the summer holidays means a world of adventure, and you are probably already starting to think of stuff to do to entertain the kiddos for the next 6-8 weeks. I think party ideas for kids can often be the solution, even if its not for a birthday or special occasion.

While I do approach the summer holidays with a touch of trepidation (6 whole weeks of constant boys and a baby?!) I do look forward to planning little things for them – a day trip here, friends over for play dates etc.

One thing that I think would be so much fun is a themed tea party in the local forest. Natalie from Little Lulubel planted the idea in my head when she launched her Alice in Wonderland themed tea party collection in her party shop. What could be more fun than (instead of a BBQ or ordinary picnic) you treated the kids and some friends to an Alice in wonderland themed party?

From brilliant cake stands to perfectly styled plates – all you need to add is the mad hatters… And as the summer progresses, no one will be short on those!

Harriet x

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