Parent and Child parking spaces :: What do you do if there are none?

Parent and Child parking spaces :: what do you do when there are none? Via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

When I first had Reuben it was a bit of a novelty to park in the parent and child parking spaces, it’s not something I’d done before, but boy did it make a difference to getting him in and out of the car. Now that I have three kids, if we are all together it is damned near impossible to get out of the car without the extra space. Roo will fling open the front passenger seat as he climbs over, denting anything in his path if I don’t watch him, I can’t get the baby seat out and it’s so difficult to get Toby out as he is in an extended tea facing seat, so I can’t twist it and lift him down in a cramped space.

Last week I had to visit the local Asda to grab some bits and bobs on the way home. Low and behold there were absolutely no parent and child spaces, only disabled left. I highly doubt the super sleek sports car that was absent of baby seats needed to be parked in the front bay but hey, maybe they were collecting their child… From Narnia. Still, I just drove around the corner to where the furthest bays were and pulled across two spaces. Now before you all cringe too much, this used to irritate the hell out of me, until I read a post about issues with car seats and the lack of parent and child spaces. The lady on the thread stated that she sad more than happy to park at the back of the car park (which is where I think parent and child slots should be, then no one would want them!!) and she parked double – so across the two spaces, effectively making her own parent child space. I was amazed by the amount of people saying what a good idea it was.. Until I got to the supermarket and there was nowhere to park where I could actually get my kids out. So I did it! And as a result I received a note on the car from Asda park supervisors telling me that the parking was in violation of their courteous code of conduct for parking, and could I please refrain from doing so again.

I understand the point of view, of course I do, but what would they suggest I do if I can’t get my extremely overloaded, practically-a-bus car into the space provided and some asshat (who is collecting their child inside from Narnia, remember?) has parked in the spot allocated me because it’s ‘closer’ and they are ‘nipping in’? This is a big part of why I think parent child needs to be in an ‘undesirable location’ however some argue the purpose is not just that parent and child spaces are bigger, but also the whole point is that they are closer to make it safer for kids in the car park. Sigh.

I really don’t know what to do. I’m anticipating a snide note from someone who thinks I’m a car park twat who found her license at the bottom of a cereal pack, or verbal abuse from someone who has no clue what they are talking about. What do you do in these situations?

H x

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    July 6, 2022 / 10:35 pm

    I think parents with children under 10 should get a special badge to park in those spaces and those who park without it should be fined. The badge would change every year with number plate on to avoid cheating . Every time I go to the shops I just see vans and luxury cars with no car seats who only park there for the practicality and to protect their cars. Selfish people.

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    Suzi Douglas
    November 17, 2015 / 10:56 pm

    I came across one recently. Older man in a 2 seat van so I left him a note on his windshield saying ‘You seem to have not only misplaced your child seat but your child too’. He probably didn’t even given it a second thought but it made me feel better. It’s one thing that really grates on my nerves. People don’t realise it’s not the proximity to the shop that matters, it’s the extra space to get all your little people in and out without damaging other people’s cars.

    • Harriet November 18, 2015 / 10:29 am

      Exactly Suzi – I find the whole ‘just walk further’ or ‘ how did we manage all that time ago’ comments idiotic. With the best will in the world, you can’t deny that cars have grown in size and there was never a requirement for huge car seats that you physically can’t remove without a bit of extra space.

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    November 17, 2015 / 10:17 pm

    Hey guess what – – – – 25 years ago there were no parent and child parking spaces, I managed 1 baby, 1 ‘disabled’ non walking toddler and a 3 year old, all in car seats, in a small car, in a normal parking space. Just get on with it please without whinging, and there is no need to allow your precious offspring to damage neighbouring cars by flinging doors open. Supervise them adequtely. You are not special just because you decided to procreate.

    • Harriet November 18, 2015 / 10:32 am

      Silly and aggressive comment Caroline, though you are entitled to your opinion of course! It’s not about what happened 25 years ago, cars are much larger now and spaces haven’t been remodelled to consider that, there is a higher volume of cars and infant seats are totally different. The argument that ‘boo hoo, I managed it all these years ago’ is moot. Circumstances change, and I trust if you actually did have a disabled toddler you would be entitled (and most justified) to a disabled space… which is larger… and has more room…

      Like I said, aggressive and moot point.

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      November 18, 2015 / 11:35 am

      25 years ago there wasnt the legal requirement for a child seat either so getting kids in and out the car was easier plus the majority of family cars were a dam site smaller in width too.

      • Harriet November 18, 2015 / 11:56 am

        Exactly Dom. Thanks for the comment!

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    Mama B
    November 17, 2015 / 9:07 pm

    We recently went to Asda and exactly the same situation, no spaces. No worries I thought I’ll drive to where there are loads and then park as far to one side as I can, that way if someone does park next to me I should still be able to get baby in.

    Get back to my car and what happens, some numpty has parked across mine and his space. I literally had no idea what to do. How the he’ll do I get the baby in. Im not prepared to put her on the floor while I reverse out. I literally had to squeeze her in the drivers side, over the wheel, bobbing the dam horn and waking her up and then into her seat. I haven’t been back to that one too.

    It’s a shame the Eagle eyed supervisor didn’t catch the Narnia visitor – I’ll be trying your trick next time. Rx

    • Harriet November 18, 2015 / 10:33 am

      Oh no! See I’ve had that happen to me and that’y why it irks me. Not a fun mama or baby experience!

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