
Calling all Roald Dahl fans!

I am a huge fan of the Roald Dahl books, they bring back some great memories for me of my childhood and I love reading them to the boys on a night for bedtime. Reuben finds the BFG especially funny,…

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Chocolate Cake in a Mug

Mummy’s little pick me up… Ok, I know the majority of you are cringing at this now, but I promise it works! On many an evening (probably too many if my waistline tells the story!) I have felt the need…

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Welcome to Toby&Roo!

Well we’re finally launched! Thank you for joining me everyone! I hope you love the site and you enjoy browsing through all of the posts! I would love for you to register with me and then you can keep up…

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Early Rider Spherovelo Juno

It is so hard to find a good, sturdy ride on that is suitable for use from a young age that looks good in your home. That is why the Early Rider Spherovelo is making it onto my top five…

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Yummy Edible Finger Paint

This was so easy to do and both myself and the boys had such a good time (as you can tell by the splashes and the car in the top left hand corner of the photo!). I do think even…

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