
My 2020 travel wishlist

If there is one thing I never thought of myself as, it was a traveller. Whilst friend’s were busy buggering off on a year long trip to Australia, I couldn’t think of anything worse. So, to clarify, you have absolutely…

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Weekly meal plan :: week 10

I’m actually pleased to say I’m sticking to this – check me out. I mean, I rarely stick to these things so it’s a fairly big achievement to make it to double digits. As you will know by now if…

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Building a home :: An Update

You might remember a few weeks ago I wrote this post about our annexe/extension build and what we were going to be doing. We’re nearly four weeks into the build so far and what a stress it has been at…

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Meal Plan :: Week 9

Annnnnd we’re back! Those of you that have followed this series will know that I don’t do my meal plans throughout the school holidays because its so unpredictable! One day we might be intending to have a meal but we…

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