October Faves

Gosh October has been a grim old month hasn’t it? Normally I’m here for the frostier mornings and the glorious leaves, pumpkins and hay bales but guys, I am NOT here for the rain. Nuh-uh. No thank you.

This month is another random mash up of things – probably largely centred around being cosy and enjoying the warmth of inside and not braving the weather.

1. Carnival Row

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Oh I really loved this series! I’m going to tell you off the bat that this isn’t for you if you are aren’t a fan of fantasy. Adam isn’t and I could see the look of “what in the fuck is she watching?” shadow his face every time he stepped into the room. It was really good though I thought, super easy watching, quite a bit of romance and sex (Orlando Bloom sex scenes – Legolas never made me smile like Philo) and a good dollop of crime and detective fun. The accents are a bit hit and miss, but I think Cara Delevingne is good, coming from a modelling career she was always likely to have a bit more to prove but she does a great job! It’s on Amazon Prime now.

2. My Dad wrote a Porno podcast

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Now, I know I’m a bit behind on this, but I am not really a podcast person. I generally prefer to listen to music, but I started listening to this in the car with Adam who just wasn’t really feeling it so we switched it off… on the way home from Durham I was stuck in traffic and ended up popping it back on. I got through the first 7 episodes in one sitting and had to pry myself from the car because I just wanted to listen to more. It’s hilarious. Utterly hilarious. It doesn’t matter if you’re not usually into podcasts, it’s the funniest chat I’ve ever listened to…

3. Sand & Fog Candles

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I discovered these at Homesense and TKmaxx, and I love them. They aren’t expensive, and come in a variety of sizes – but what I really love is the wooden lids that all seem to have gorgeous patterns. The one in my office is only small, but it has a lovely floral pattern on it’s lid and it kicks out such a fab scent!

4. Large headbands

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Big fan here. I know they aren’t anything new, but the only headbands I’ve been brave enough to have recently are the flat ones. Thick but without any height (title of my porno). Anyway, Claire’s very kindly sent me a larger headband and I’m LOVING it. I didn’t think it would suit me but I really like wearing it and I don’t have to wash my hair sooooo… win.

5. Our sofas (Squeals of delight accompany this one)

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Seriously it hasn’t been fun living without sofas. No sir. It’s been really tough, and even after the little sofa arrived it’s just not big enough for us both so caused sofa dramas. Anyway, now that our sofa’s have arrived we are on operation snuggle and snooze. Our sofas are from DFS and they are the Patterdale from the Joules range, we bought the set.

And there you have it! That’s all my faves of October!

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