New Series :: LaNoire’s Vegan Kitchen :: Vegan recipes for all the family!

Vegan recipes for the whole family via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I’m so excited to introduce LaNoire’s Vegan Kitchen to the blog!

Ok, I’ll admit it, since having Edith – who, by the way, HATES to be put down when she is awake and isn’t so keen on being put down once asleep either – I have been really, really bad at feeding my family. Before I had Edith I was quite consistent at making sure that my family were getting all of the nutritious food they needed for their meals, but after my mum bought me some ‘freezer supplies’ such as chicken nuggets and oven chips (said chips are something I have never cooked before and still can’t cook properly!), pre cooked veg and I stocked up on bread and tins of beans, let’s just say the family hasn’t exactly been on a nutritional high. I hate that. I’m very conscious of wanting my kids to eat well, and have filling, healthy meals where they are going to get nutritional value from eat bite.

In one of the mummy groups I am a member of I started to notice that one of the other mamas, LaNoire, frequently posted pictures of her divine looking meals, all of which she made herself for her whole family to enjoy and that set my tummy rumbling! The best part was, the meals are vegan! As a staunch chicken lover and someone who adds a cottage pie to the winter menus at least once a fortnight, I was surprised to find I was drooling over these recipes. I had to try them out! So, I got in touch with LaNoire and asked her if she would be interested in having a series on the blog to share her delicious recipes with us all and to bust some of the myths about vegan food not being nutritious enough. LaNoire has kindly agreed and I can’t wait to try out her first recipe, which will be shared on the blog tomorrow. As she shares her recipes you will see that incorporating a few vegan meals into your family’s weekly food diet will not only boost you nutritionally but also will give you a whole host of new flavours to enjoy and try out!

So without anymore excited wittering from me, I’ll let LaNoire tell you about herself and give you some myth busting facts about the vegan lifestyle!


Vegan recipes for the whole family via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

The lovely LaNoire and her family. LaNoire is going to be sharing with us all some of her delicious recipes and why being a vegan is just as nutritional (if not more so) than any other dietary choice!

I’m LaNoire, a 27 year old wife, and a mother to three amazing children. I love to cook, and I love food. I’ve always loved the strong flavours most of all. Mustard, Garlic, Chilli..

But my love of cooking didn’t develope until I made the choice to become vegan.

Now wait a second, I hear you! ARGHH VEGAN, WHAT ABOUT BACON?!
But it’s been one of the most amazing choices I could of made. I had always been an on and off again vegetarian, but I haven’t looked back since making my choice. We started with just a few vegan meals a week, to familiarise ourselves with the foods and meal planning. People ask questions and I answer with a smile because I love my choice, but what really gets the questions rolling is when they find out my 3 children are vegan too.

Vegan recipes for the whole family via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

LaNoire’s three adorable children share her vegan lifestyle, something that she often gets lots of questions about… do they get enough this? Or that? The answer is yes!

They are 5, 4, and 2. They are healthy, energetic, and intelligent.
It’s all about eating the right foods. So here are our favourites which will give you everything you need. ♡

Iron: Quinoa, Spinach, Black Molasses, and Lentils.

Calcium: Broccoli, Kale, Almonds, and Figs.

Protein: Mushrooms, Cauliflower, Peanut Butter, and Sundried Tomatoes.

These are just our favourites, but the list of food choice for these three essentials is endless.
I know lots of people can find the idea of becoming vegan daunting because it’s ‘normal’ to add milk, eggs, and other animal products to nearly all manufactured and even home prepared foods.
Flax seeds, oil, and even cream soda makes great egg replacements, and plant milks will work just like animal milks.
Most, if not all of your favourite meals can be made without the use of animal products with ease. It’s not just lettuce sandwiches and tomato soup, I promise.
I’m hoping to share a few of my recipes, and I hope you’ll love them just as much as we do! 🙂


You might not be able to wait to find out some of LaNoire’s vegan recipes after reading that, so if you can’t you can head over and like her brilliant Facebook page here.

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