5 tips for having a mummy and me spa day

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This past weekend my in laws took the boys to the air show. They do it every year but we weren’t sure how Edith would react to being away from me, or indeed the loud noises, crowds and all that comes with a big show. She would have loved it, but when the tickets were booked we all made the decision that she should stay behind

In all honesty she was pretty upset. She really wanted to go with the boys and she hates it when they go away from her, even if it’s just for school. In a bid to make it up to her I organised a “girlie day” (don’t shoot, it’s just a phrase, Toby loves “girlie days” just as much and regularly takes part). We started off with a bit of shopping and she felt like a little queen riding around in her new chariot that we were given by Nuna. The shopping was really more errand running, but we took her into Claire’s accessories and let her pick out some “pretties” for her hair, which she loves. We went for lunch – I had to placate her as I really didn’t want to go to McDonalds again, I’m porking up and beginning to look like Michelin Man, so I opted for her first experience of WagaMama.

I’m not writing this post to tell you about a day out shopping, you don’t need to know that I managed to get a pair of jeans or that we got some pretties, who cares? I DID think that, with the impending summer holidays that it might be useful to share the second part of our afternoon: a spa day for kids

Yes, we had a mini spa day. When it come to beauty, hair, shopping etc I’m very much the old stereotype of a “girl” and I love it. I also love a whole host of “boy stuff” but that’s going off topic. Edith (and Toby, who will be gutted he wasn’t here for a spa day) loves having her hair played with – she takes it out immediately though – and having her nails painted. I thought we’d take it to the next level for her for the first time and give something that I loved as a kid a whirl, making face masks

Here are a few ideas for having a spa day for kids at home!

1.) Get your nails did (swish swish)

I love having my nails done. I don’t have *time* most of the time but I do love it. You can buy the cutest child friendly nail polishes from all over. They don’t have any toxins in, they’re water based and they will either wash off with water and soap or they will peel off. We are currently using some rather adorable nail polishes from Claire’s Accessories, they don’t last very well though and they really are just cheap and cheerful. If you do have a tinker that loves nail polish and will actually appreciate the polish as a gift I can wholeheartedly recommend Little Bu polishes which I’ve tried out and found really good at staying on and looking fab

2.) Have a bath (bring on the bubbles!)

It sounds silly but a mid afternoon bath kills time, is a great place for playing and you can get on with answering emails or something whilst you sit at the side of the bath and let the monkey play. If you want to make it feel a bit more special you can make extra bubbles and use “fancy” body wash and shampoo to add to the spa vibe. It’s all about the atmosphere and the fun and finding something different to entertain them during the hols

3.) Make face masks (and use them!

I remember doing this when I was boarding at school for a short period when my mum went away for a couple of weeks. It was brilliant and there are now more “recipes” than ever. There was something fun about being a kid and essentially mixing up a load of gunk then shoving it on your face and pretending to be a grown up. It was hilarious. As if grown ups actually pay money for this!! Well they do, and it’s never a bad thing to whack some stuff on your face and give your skin a lift. I really liked oats, yoghurt and honey, gets a bit sticky for little ones though, so you could try any of the thousands you can get on Pinterest. You don’t even need to be a Pinterest queen to manage it. I sure as shit not a Pinterest queen and I like to think I’ve made some corkers in my time

4.) It’s not a spa day without sparkles and bathrobes

Did you know that you can get champers now for kids? I personally don’t let my kids drink it because it’s pretty much lemonade and mine just aren’t allowed carbonated sugar drinks, but totally no shade to anyone who does let them have them. It’s worth baring in mind. If you’re like me and you don’t fancy it, you can recreate “mimosa” with cranberry juice on the bottom and orange on the top. Alternatively “Shloer” is child friendly I believe? I will not judge you for lemonade but I will get all the judgement on if you don’t have a bathrobe on and get your feet up

5.) Cuddle up and watch a movie with chocolates or popcorn

We chose Frozen, because nothing says Let It Go like having a snuggle on the sofa with your fave chocolates or crisps and dips or popcorn. We have our bathrobes on, our nibbles, our “champers” and all the chilled out vibes

H x

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