Move over doll prams – Boba Mini is here!

100% cotton with a wide variety of colours, plus the same clasps as a real carrier!Pin this image on Pinterest

100% cotton with a wide variety of colours, plus the same clasps as a real carrier!

When I had Toby I found I used my baby carrier far more than I had ever done with Reuben. I think it was sometimes just easier than having my double pushchair out and about with me when Roo was at that (annoying) stage where he needed the option of a pushchair for longer days out, but wanted to walk most of the time. I also have so many friends who are die hard baby carriers and have carried their children from birth right through to walking age.

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Fun, fresh colours, one size fits all teddies and dolls!

Soho sling is one of my favourites... by the way, these carriers can also be carrier on the back!Pin this image on Pinterest

Soho sling is one of my favourites… by the way, these carriers can also be carrier on the back!

So that in mind, when I came across this brilliant children’s play baby carrier by Boba I had to post about it. What a great idea! Forget prams to copy Mama and Daddy – something that all children want to do – your little one can now baby carry their dollies with them wherever they go… not to mention its going to save you a lot of space in the car on those long journeys that dolly or teddy simply have to come on!

You can find out more here.

Harriet x

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