Morning make up remedy for the mum that doesn’t have time.

Ultimate mummy must have for busy mornings via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This is the ultimate mummy must-have make up remedy for those busy mornings.

A couple of weeks ago Reuben had his first taster days at ‘big school’ (primary/junior school) where he will be going in April (he’s having an early start in the pre-reception group, which is great as it helps him to come to term with ‘proper’ school and meet some other new starters before he has to go full time in September). Apart from being a nervous mama, wondering if he would a.) meet new friends, b.) behave himself and not let on too early that he has a temper like a tasmanian devil and c.) miss me and be frightened, I was struck by how crazy my first few school runs were! With one child I have no doubt that school runs would be a doddle, even with two I think it would be relatively simple, provided they were going to the same place etc… throw a third child, not to mention a baby, and a different location for drop offs into the mix and it becomes crazy! All to be done BEFORE 8.45am, and everyone fed, changed, dressed with all the kit they may need… I was ready for a lie down by the time I got home… which was just about the time Edie needed a feed and I had a conference call!

Anyway, this got me thinking, in the madness of the morning rush I really struggled to find any time at all to do my make up, brush my hair or my teeth – so forget moisturising or any kind of facial routine (on a side note, does anyone remember those times when you were a single young woman and your facial routine in the morning took a good 20 minutes?… practically double for the night?… yeah, I don’t remember it either!) I vaguely remember a few sips of hot coffee very first thing and a few more of the same, now tepid, cup minutes before we left.

That’s why I’m so in love with my new tinted moisturiser from Green People. Its a beautiful SPF 15 moisturiser that not only smells divine but is 100% organic and age defying. the reason I love it so much is it means that I can quickly wash my face with a wet wipe whilst spooning food into Toby’s mouth, and then slap some of this magic cream onto my face and voila I look instantly less exhausted and have a sense of satisfaction that I have moisturised my face and potentially won’t look as haggard as I feel for the remainder of the day! I swear this makes me look fresher and perkier than my normal make up, which takes much more effort to apply and doesn’t smell half as good.

I’ve been using the tinted SPF15 moisturiser daily and my skin is already feeling softer and healthier than before – you know how it feels when you’ve had no make up on at all for a few days, like that! I think this has to be my ultimate mummy must have make up remedy for those busy mornings, it take seconds to apply, allows you to look and feel fresher and gives your skin that much needed love that you just don’t have time to give it anymore.

You can find the tinted moisturiser here on Green People’s website (and as it’s coming up to that season, I can personally recommend their self tan, especially if you are pregnant or breast feeding as it is totally organic and chemical free).

Harriet x

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar June 7, 2023 / 8:56 pm

    I have been looking into natural make up brands for a while as my skin has been a mess! Green people come up a lot and you’ve given me the confidence to give it a try!

    Thank you x

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